[Solved] HOW to back for the beginning if the user press any key except 1 or 2 or 3? [closed]

Use do–while loop and set the condition to while(L != ‘1’ && L != ‘2’ && L != ‘3’);: do { L = getch(); switch (L) { case ‘1’ : system(“cls”); printf(“111111111111111”); break; case ‘2’ : system(“cls”); printf(“222222222222222”); break; case ‘3’ : system(“cls”); printf(“33333333”); break; default : sleep(0); } } while(L != ‘1’ && L … Read more

[Solved] Instantiating classes using new [closed]

comming from other programming language why can’t I do this in c++: Because in C++ to initilize variable types on the left and right side of = must be compatible. In your case: myClass mc = new myClass(); mc has type myClass and expression on the right has type myClass *. So you either need … Read more

[Solved] Warning: foreach staement

You need to have array in $_POST[‘quantity’] but you have something else, do var_dump($_POST[‘quantity’]); to see what inside $_POST[‘quantity’]. Also you can change if(!empty($_SESSION[‘cart’])) to if(!empty($_SESSION[‘cart’]) && is_array($_POST[‘quantity’])) solved Warning: foreach staement

[Solved] Increase stack size c#

What you can do is: If Creation fails pass back a bool and try again from scratch. public void Generate() { Fill(); while(!Fleet()) { // I assume Fill clears your board again?! Fill(); } } public bool Fleet() { return Ship2(Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(4)) && Ship3(Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(4)) && Ship3(Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(4)) && Ship4(Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(4)) && Ship5(Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(1,9),Utility.R(4)); } public bool Ship2(int x, int … Read more

[Solved] best tools for theme design? [closed]

Angular JS, emberJS, Backbone JS are all MVC JS frameworks. These are strong and powerful with data binding techniques, data manipulation and service integration, UI designing proficiency and maintaining dependency if any. Like for Eg. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It can be added to an HTML page with a ‘<‘script> tag. AngularJS extends HTML … Read more

[Solved] How to extract only certain data with file_get_contents

The best solution is probably to process the $homepage variable after it has been loaded. Have a look at String functions and regular expressions. file_get_contents() supports offset and maxlen options that can be used to control what parts of the file get loaded, but offset has behavior described by the documentation as “unpredictable” when used … Read more

[Solved] TH cell to show 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% filled

<tr> <th><div style=”width: 25%; background: red”>&nbsp;</div></th> </tr> Don’t stretch cells, as that’ll throw off all the other cells in the same column in the table. Stretch something INSIDE a cell instead. solved TH cell to show 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% filled

[Solved] How do I parse “N/A – -0.09%” and extract the number after the first hyphen in PHP? [closed]

I wouldn’t use a regex here, I’d just remove the two quotes (replacing ” with nothing using str_replace()), then split the string into words (using explode() with ‘ ‘ as the delimiter), then grab the last “word” using array_pop(). url=”abc123.php”; $data = file_get_contents($url); //$data contains “N/A – -0.09%” (the string to parse) $match = array_pop(explode(‘ … Read more