[Solved] Put specified index from an array in the top of select box

I would suggest to just mark “Turcia” as selected. Handlebars Helper: (Javascript version) Handlebars.registerHelper(‘eq’, function(a, b, block) { return a == b ? block.fn(this) : block.inverse(this); }); Template: {{#each oForm.lCountry}} <option value=”{{@key}}” {{#eq this ‘Turcia’}}selected=”true”{{/eq}}> {{this}} </option> {{/each}} Output: <option value=”2″ > Afganistan </option> … <option value=”6″ selected=”true”> Turcia </option> Now “Turcia”, will be selected … Read more

[Solved] Tried to solve the “Close Far” exercise [closed]

You basically need to compare a with both b and c (using Math.abs(a-b) and using Math.abs(a-c)) and then check if the other values differ by at least 2. Something like this: public static boolean closeFar(int a, int b, int c) { return ( (Math.abs(a-b) == 1 && (Math.abs(a-c) >= 2 && Math.abs(b-c) >= 2) || … Read more

[Solved] Schrodingers JSON – when working with a json doc it is erroring as both a list and a dict

As @Hitobat mentioned in commend – you have list with dictionary inside so you have to use [0] to get this dictionary. Or you have to use for-loop if you have more elements on list data = [{‘_id’: ‘5f563c1bf8eaa9d98eca231f’, ‘allEnabledDs’: None, ‘allEnabledIdSor’: None, ‘correlationFilterEntitySource’: True, ‘created_at’: ‘2020-09-07T13:56:43.469Z’, ‘dsConnectionList’: None, ‘folderToLabelMapping’: None, ‘idConnectionList’: None, ‘identityResolutionScan’: False, … Read more

[Solved] Where to get the positions of the last item in the Listbox (python and tkinter)?

You can get the numerical index of the last item with the documented index command, passing in the special string “end”: last_index = the_listbox.index(“end”) To get the value of the last item you can use “end” in the get method as well: last_value = the_listbox.get(“end”) To make sure that the last item in the listbox … Read more

[Solved] Separate object string when it’s an uppercase letter c# [duplicate]

Is Regex required? Here’s linq. edit: added a regex option as well since that was requested. ([a-z])([A-Z])”, “$1 $2”) matches lowercase letter and then uppercase letter and returns the matches as $1 and $2 respectively w/ a space in between. Note: this won’t work if you have accented characters like É, is that needed in … Read more


The problem was that I placed 1.in and 1.out outside the working directory, to fix this had to go to Product>Scheme>Edit Scheme>Run>Options and set a custom “Working Directory” where I placed the 1.in and 1.out files. Thanks for the help guys. 2 solved ERROR: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x68) FIX: PLACE THE IN AND OUT … Read more

[Solved] How can resolve R in Android?

The R.java file should be automatically generated by Android. Try the following: If you are using Eclipse try “project clean” to regenerate the file. Try to fix all errors not related to the R file and then retry the “project clean” option. Other errors (e.g. your xml layout files) can “stall” a new build of … Read more

[Solved] How to create Regex for 00.00?

Per comment of OP/modified question, if you want 1 or 2 digits, optionally followed by (a period, followed by 1 or 2 more digits), you could use this regex: var regex = /^\d{1,2}(\.\d{1,2})?$/; // The ( ) groups several things together sequentially. // The ? makes it optional. If you want 1 or 2 digits, … Read more

[Solved] How can I make a registered user’s encrypted password be accepted as the normal password when logging in? [closed]

Depending upon what hashing you are using to store the password, your model confitions would be something like this: $this->db->select(‘*’)->from(‘membership’); $this->db->where(‘username’, $username); $this->db->where(‘password’, MD5($password)); Also, there is a bug in your model for checking if a user is valid. If number of rows returned from DB is 1, then the user is valid, otherwise not. … Read more

[Solved] dynamic code style rather than hard coding [closed]

The difference in execution time would be hard to measure, as string interpolation and an implode call is going to be orders of magnitude faster than the round-trip time to the database server. We’re talking nanoseconds versus milliseconds. You’re asking the wrong question, though. It’s a really bad practice to be writing out literal SQL … Read more

[Solved] Using JFactory::getDocument in Joomla 3.0 with jQuery

Try using the following: <?php $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $js=” (function($) { $(document).ready(function(){ $(“a”).click(function(event){ alert(“As you can see, the link no longer took you to jquery.com”); event.preventDefault(); }); }); })(jQuery);”; $document->addScriptDeclaration($js); ?> Hope this helps 1 solved Using JFactory::getDocument in Joomla 3.0 with jQuery