[Solved] How to make a SearchView/filter on a custom ListView and add items in the underlying ArrayList using an EditText? [closed]

i suggest you start using Recycler view since it would be easier to do this functionality using it. here is your starting point: RecyclerView RecyclerViewAdapter Creating lists with Custom rows solved How to make a SearchView/filter on a custom ListView and add items in the underlying ArrayList using an EditText? [closed]

[Solved] Dynamic convert Row to Column using group by

try this, create table #tmp (MR_ID varchar(50),DR_ID int) insert into #tmp VALUES (‘MR_123’, 1),(‘MR_123’, 3),(‘MR_124’, 4),(‘MR_124’, 5) ,(‘MR_124’, 6),(‘MR_125′, 0) declare @DRCol varchar(50) declare @Prefix varchar(20)=’DR_’ ;With CTE as ( select * ,ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by MR_ID order by DR_ID)rn from #tmp ) select top 1 @DRCol=stuff((select ‘,’+'[‘+@Prefix+cast(rn as varchar)+’]’ from cte c1 where c.mr_id=c1.mr_id for xml … Read more

[Solved] why pointer variable with asterisk and without asterisk behave differently in printf?

When you declare char string[]=”Hello” you declare an array of characters. string points to the first element of the array. * is known as the dereferencing operator. Suppose ptr is an integer pointer. *ptr will give you the content of the memory location pointed by the pointer ptr. At the time of declaration you have … Read more

[Solved] Auto-generate a list of words in C#, and save as File [closed]

The solution I came up with is as follows: public void AppendFile(string filePath, long firstWord, long lastWord) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(filePath)) { for (long i = firstWord; i < lastWord; i++) { sw.WriteLine(GetWord(i)); } } } public void AppendFile(string filePath, long lastWord) { AppendFile(filePath, 0, lastWord); } public void AppendFile(string filePath) { AppendFile(filePath, … Read more

[Solved] RestAPI JSON Parsing

Here is solution, For this you have to use Volley Library to get data from Server. Add this line in build.gradle(Module:app) dependencies {…. compile ‘com.mcxiaoke.volley:library:1.0.19’ } Use this code in Main Activity public void getJsonData() { String tag = “get_json”; StringRequest request = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, “YOUR URL TO GET JSON DATA”, new Response.Listener<String>() { @Override … Read more

[Solved] scraping with selenium web driver

You should fix your XPath expressions. Use findElement for the first 3. findElements for the last. To get the home odd : //td[a[.=”bet365″]]/following-sibling::td[span][1]/span To get the draw odd : //td[a[.=”bet365″]]/following-sibling::td[span][2]/span To get the away odd : //td[a[.=”bet365″]]/following-sibling::td[span][3]/span To get them all : //td[a[.=”bet365″]]/following-sibling::td[span]/span Getting them all is probably better since you call driver.find_elements_by_xpath 1 time. … Read more

[Solved] Merge two queries to get the combined value in SQL

select `EmpsID`, `CAT`, `CHK_DATE`, SUM(AMOUNT) as CurrentAmount,SUM(UNITS) as CurrentUnits ,sum(case when date(`CHK_DATE`) = ‘2016-11-12’ then AMOUNT else 0 end) as ‘2016-11-12Amount’ , ,sum(case when date(`CHK_DATE`) = ‘2016-11-12’ then UNITS else 0 end) as ‘2016-11-12Units’ , from `pays` where `EmpsID` = ‘SEMLAD01’ and `CAT` in (‘Salary Pay’, ‘TRUCK ALLOWANCE’, ‘Expense Reimbursement’, ‘BONUS (Accrued)’, ‘Phone Reimbursement’)and date(`CHK_DATE`) … Read more

[Solved] Unable To Change Menu Bitmap

My Bad! I forgot to declare hMenu as a static variable. Because of that, I was losing my menu handle. That’s why SetMenuItemInfo() would not work later, in the command code blocks. I knew that it had to be something simple. Anyway, here are the final bits of code. First, the creation of the Max/Restore … Read more