[Solved] python program to store a specific string from a file and store it in a variable

First off In your example json file you have inconsistent use of quotation marks, chose ‘ or ” and stick to it. Code import json data = json.load(open(“file.json”)) # this is the variable you are after variable = data[“my_id”] solved python program to store a specific string from a file and store it in a … Read more

[Solved] how to make multidimensional array using my variables

you can by some steps like mentions in code comment : date_default_timezone_set(‘UTC’); $start_date = “2018-01-01”; $start_time = “01:30 PM”; $due_date=”2018-01-03″; $due_time = “11:30 AM”; $project=”10001″; $assign_to=”G2E0357″; $glopal_array = array(); $data_array = list_days(strtotime($start_date),strtotime($due_date));// get all days in array foreach($data_array as $item) {//loop in day array $res_arr_values = array(“allocation_date”=>$item,”t_project”=>$project,”t_assign_to”=>$assign_to,”t_start_time”=>$start_time,”t_end_time”=>$due_time);//set up 2d arry with keys array_push($glopal_array,$res_arr_values);//push the array … Read more

[Solved] Javascript string.match with specific prefix and text after [closed]

You can use /specialPrefix:\s*(\[.*?\])/ let inputs = [“any string before specialPrefix: [‘content1’, ‘content2’] and any other text after”,”any string before specialPrefix:[‘content1’, ‘content2’] and any other text after”,”any string before specialPrefix: ‘content1’, ‘content2’ and any other text after”]; var result = inputs.map(str => (/specialPrefix:\s*(\[.*?\])/.exec(str) || [])[1]); console.log(result); solved Javascript string.match with specific prefix and text after … Read more

[Solved] How does a boolean variable work in an object array

If you are going to create an array of Film objects (as in Film[]) then you would call the getter and setter methods of a specific Film within the array like: filmList[i].getStatus(); where filmList is your Film array and i is the index of the specific Film in the array. solved How does a boolean … Read more

[Solved] Java – ternary Operator not working. Compiler stating it’s not a statement [duplicate]

Ternary operator expressions are not statements: you can’t use them on their own as a replacement for an if. You should write if (unprocessed_information.contains(“type:”)) { ( unprocessed_information.replace(“type:”,””).equals(“teacher”) ) ? (admin_accounts.add(username)) : (null); } as: if (unprocessed_information.contains(“type:”)) { if (unprocessed_information.replace(“type:”,””).equals(“teacher”)) admin_accounts.add(username); } or (better, since there is nothing in the first if but the second if): … Read more

[Solved] Google Analytics [closed]

First, find out whether your analytics code is working. Go to your Analytics account >> Admin >>Tracking code On top of the page, next to Tracking ID, you can see the status of the traffic. Click the “send traffic button”. If the analytics code has been installed correctly, your website pops up. Else, check the … Read more

[Solved] Elliptic Filter Code [closed]

If you use e.g. MATLAB to design your filter (using e.g. the ellip function), you can take the resulting filter coefficients and very easily implement the filter in software (it’s just a matter of multiplying the float values by the coefficients and following the rational filter equation). 1 solved Elliptic Filter Code [closed]

[Solved] replace text and attribute using jquery [closed]

First, give your “a” an id, like so: <li><a id=”myAElement” href=”#” title=”LinkedIn”>LinkedIn</a></li> Now to change the title, do: $(“#myAElement”).attr(“title”,”Instagram”); To change the text displayed, do: $(“#myAElement”).html(“Instagram”); 2 solved replace text and attribute using jquery [closed]

[Solved] Why destructor is being called but construction not being called when passing object as a parameter? [closed]

Passing an instance of a class by value invokes the copy constructor. The compiler implements the copy constructor by default (essentially a memberwise copy after invoking copy constructors of any base classes) if the class definition does not explicitly supply one. This compiler-generated copy constructor will not call one of the other constructors you have … Read more

[Solved] Java return command [closed]

Observe the difference between parameters and arguments: return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k)); Here the first n is an argument – a value passed to the function being called. private int factorial(int n) Here n is a parameter – a placeholder to use in defining what the function should do when being called with an … Read more