[Solved] Create three “sections” for information [closed]

It would be good to learn Bootstrap for this, though it’s not mandatory. In Bootstrap you could just define it like this: <div class=”container”> <div class=”row”> <div class=”col-md-4″>Content 1</div> <div class=”col-md-4″>Content 2</div> <div class=”col-md-4″>Content 3</div> </div> </div> A basic way to do this without Bootstrap is here: http://jsfiddle.net/7Zs9f/1/ solved Create three “sections” for information [closed]

[Solved] iOS || Swift || how to convert date response String to expeced timestamp

Use DateFormatter let dateString = “2022-8-01T03:23:35.430+0000” let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSX” let date = dateFormatter.date(from: dateString) print(date) // Date object /// Date to String let format = “EEE, d MMM YYYY, h:ss a” // format you need as a String let formatter = DateFormatter() formatter.dateFormat = format //By default AM/PM symbols are uppercased … Read more

[Solved] Connection string for MySQL in C#

The below connection string might be helpful for your problem. “server=localhost:3320;uid=root;pwd=Mypwd;database=cc;persistsecurityinfo=true;convertzerodatetime=true” Else remove persistsecurityinfo and convertzerodatetime then try. “server=localhost:3320;uid=root;pwd=Mypwd;database=cc” Refer this too in MySQL documentation. // Sessions MySQLX.GetSession($”mysqlx://user@host/schema”) MySQLX.GetSession($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes”) MySQLX.GetSession($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=true”) MySQLX.GetSession($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=false”) MySQLX.GetSession($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=[attr1=val1,attr2,attr3=]”) MySQLX.GetSession($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=[]”) // Pooling MySQLX.GetClient($”mysqlx://user@host/schema”) MySQLX.GetClient($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes”) MySQLX.GetClient($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=true”) MySQLX.GetClient($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=false”) MySQLX.GetClient($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=[attr1=val1,attr2,attr3=]”) MySQLX.GetClient($”mysqlx://user@host/schema?connection-attributes=[]”) Reference: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-net/en/connector-net-8-0-connection-options.html solved Connection string for MySQL in C#

[Solved] Need to convert js to vuejs [closed]

<template> <button :class=”{ active: clicked }” :onclick=”clicked = true”> {{ clicked ? ‘Thanks!’ : ‘Click me!’ }} </button> </template> <script setup> import {ref} from ‘vue’ const clicked = ref(false) </script> solved Need to convert js to vuejs [closed]

[Solved] I need help Funtion sort a-z condition [closed]

Hope you got the logic from my code below, if you have any questions, please ask them 😀 name1 = input(“Name 1 : “) name2 = input(“Name 2 : “) choose = input(“Select first or last : “) if choose == “first”: if name1 < name2: # check if name1 is in front of name2 … Read more

[Solved] Should a class be thread-safe? [closed]

As a general rule, it’s more flexible to leave it to the user. For example, consider a map-type container. Suppose the application needs to atomically move something from one map to another map. In this case, the user needs to lock both maps before the insert-erase sequence. Having such a scenario be automatically taken care … Read more

[Solved] Whats wrong with my JSON Object [closed]

Youre missing a closing ] at the bottom, this will work { “results”: [ { “text”: “@twitterapi http://tinyurl.com/ctrefg”, “to_user_id”: 396524, “to_user”: “TwitterAPI”, “from_user”: “jkoum”, “metadata”: { “result_type”: “popular”, “recent_retweets”: 109 }, “id”: 1478555574, “from_user_id”: 1833773, “iso_language_code”: “nl”, “since_id”: 0, “max_id”: 1480307926, “refresh_url”: “?since_id=1480307926&amp;q=%40twitterapi”, “results_per_page”: 15, “next_page”: “?page=2&amp;max_id=1480307926&amp;q=%40twitterapi”, “completed_in”: 0.031704, “page”: 1, “query”: “%40twitterapi” } ] … Read more

[Solved] Android SQLite data display to ListView

The Cursor must include a column named “_id” or this class (CursorAdapter and descendants) will not work. COL_ID should be “_id” or you can try to use a workaround by making alias: String[] allColumns = new String[] { SqlDbHelper.COL_ID + ” AS ” + BaseColumns._ID, … See CursorAdapter 11 solved Android SQLite data display to … Read more