[Solved] this C++ code always gives same output

#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int num; cout<<“Enter a number\n”; cin>>num; int n = num; int rev = 0; while( n >= 1 ) { int rem = n%10; rev = (rev*10) + rem; n=n/10; } cout<<“The reverse of given number is:”<<rev<<endl; if(num==rev) cout<<“The given number and its reverse are equal” << … Read more

[Solved] c# selenium if else check [closed]

This is what you are asking for if (rows == null) { continue; } else { rows.ElementAt(0).Click(); break; } However it’d be better code practice and more efficient to use a while loop implementation instead; IReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> rows = null; bool rowsFound = false; while (!rowsFound) { rows = driveri.FindElements(By.XPath(“//*[@id=\”app\”]/div/span[3]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div”)); if(rows!=null) { rowsFound = true; } … Read more

[Solved] Malicious file?

This is a very safe and normal script that loads a certain font from the website. It’s minified, have random name and built for performance reasons. And this probably has no relation to the attack to your website. solved Malicious file?

[Solved] Row-wise sum for select columns while ignoring NAs [closed]

Here is one way to accomplish this: #make a data frame df <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3), b = c(1,NA,3), c = c(1,2,3)) #use rowSums on a dataframe made with each of your columns and specify na.rm = TRUE df$mySum <- rowSums(cbind(df$a,df$b), na.rm = TRUE) 0 solved Row-wise sum for select columns while ignoring NAs [closed]

[Solved] C# Line is horizontal

I have solved the problem using the approach proposed by @MBo taking the difference in height and length. Here is the function: public static bool? isLineVertical(Line line) { double xDiff = Math.Abs(line.X2 – line.X1); double yDiff = Math.Abs(line.Y2 – line.Y1); bool? vertical = null; if (yDiff > xDiff) { vertical = true; } else if … Read more

[Solved] Why is my app is crashing while using async task?

You are Calling Activity in a Background Thread Thats Why you are getting Error You Need to Call Like this Thread thread=new Thread(){ @Override public void run() { try { sleep(5*1000); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),MainActivity2.class); startActivity(i); } }); } catch (Exception ex) {} } }; thread.start(); … Read more

[Solved] Swift – how to read data from many UITextFields which generate data by UIPickerView [closed]

You can set a pickerView as the textField.inputView. The example below is for two text fields sharing a single picker view, but you can extend it easily by checking the identity of the activeTextField in the picker view delegate methods. import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource { @IBOutlet weak var myTextFieldOne: UITextField! @IBOutlet weak … Read more

[Solved] program to delete certain text which is predefined in another file from a file in c++

Show some research effort when you post a question here. #include <iostream> #include <unordered_set> #include <fstream> int main() { std::unordered_set<std::string> mySet; std::string word; std::ifstream file1(“myFile1.txt”); if(file1.is_open()) { while(file1 >> word) mySet.emplace(word); file1.close(); } std::ifstream file2(“myFile2.txt”); if(file2.is_open()) { while(file2 >> word) { auto look = mySet.find(word); if(look != mySet.cend()) mySet.erase(look); } file2.close(); } std::ofstream outputFile(“Out.txt”); if(outputFile.is_open()) … Read more

[Solved] Give all elements in Class an seperate Id Javascript

Just add attribute id using, addImage.id=”Image”+i; or setAttribute(‘id’, “Image”+i) like the following: for(var i=0;i<Images.length;i++){ var addImage = document.createElement(“img”); addImage.className = “cssImages”; addImage.setAttribute(‘src’, Images[i]); addImage.setAttribute(‘id’, “Image”+i); IMGdiv.appendChild(addImage); } 4 solved Give all elements in Class an seperate Id Javascript

[Solved] Extract and paste together multiple columns of a data frame like object using a vector of column names

We may use either of the following: do.call(function (…) paste(…, sep = “-“), rld[groups]) do.call(paste, c(rld[groups], sep = “-“)) We can consider a small, reproducible example: rld <- mtcars[1:5, ] groups <- names(mtcars)[c(1,3,5,6,8)] do.call(paste, c(rld[groups], sep = “-“)) #[1] “21-160-3.9-2.62-0” “21-160-3.9-2.875-0” “22.8-108-3.85-2.32-1” #[4] “21.4-258-3.08-3.215-1” “18.7-360-3.15-3.44-0” Note, it is your responsibility to ensure all(groups %in% names(rld)) … Read more