[Solved] App crashes when changes are made in Realm database

I’m almost 100% positive that this has to do with your RealmConfiguration. Are you setting deleteRealmIfMigrationRequired when you build the configuration? If not, are you setting the schema version and providing a migration? If you’re not doing one of these two things, you’re… well, pretty much hosed, which kind of sounds like what you’re seeing. … Read more

[Solved] Store string type array in RealM objective c

You can inherit from RLMObject class and put the NSString into your RLMObject as a property. Then you can make new RLMObject one more time, with a RLMArray of previously made RLMObject now. @interface StringObject: RLMObject @property NSString *stringValue; @end @interface RealmObject: RLMObject @property RLMArray<StringObject> *realmArray @end After this manipulation feel free to use it. … Read more

[Solved] Swift – how to read data from many UITextFields which generate data by UIPickerView [closed]

You can set a pickerView as the textField.inputView. The example below is for two text fields sharing a single picker view, but you can extend it easily by checking the identity of the activeTextField in the picker view delegate methods. import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource { @IBOutlet weak var myTextFieldOne: UITextField! @IBOutlet weak … Read more