[Solved] Create different result set using one result set [closed]

To use a resultset in a query condition for a set of queries you need a cursor. Please check out basics of cursor usage here and in the docs DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE group_results_by_date BEGIN DECLARE v_finished INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cdate DATE DEFAULT “2015-01-01”; — declare cursor for getting list of dates DEClARE date_cursor … Read more

[Solved] How to access a part of an element from a list?

You need to iterate on the list and retrieve the good properties on each. values = [[Decoded(data=b’AZ:HP7CXNGSUFEPZCO4GS5RQPY6XY’, rect=Rect(left=37, top=152, width=94, height=97))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:9475EFWZCNARPEJEZEMXDFHIBI’, rect=Rect(left=32, top=191, width=90, height=88))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:6ECWZUQGEJCR5EZXDH9URCN53M’, rect=Rect(left=48, top=183, width=88, height=89))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:XZ9P6KTDGREM5KIXUO9IHCTKAQ’, rect=Rect(left=73, top=121, width=91, height=94))]] datas = [value[0].data for value in values] # list of encoded string (b”) datas = [value[0].data.decode() for value in … Read more

[Solved] How can I increment array with loop?

You mean to do: while iterations < itemsInListOne: listOne[iterations] = float(listOne[iterations]) + 1 Note that you needed to convert it to a float before adding to it. Also note that this could be done more easily with a list comprehension: listOne = [float(x) + 1 for x in listOne] solved How can I increment array … Read more

[Solved] Create a GET request to Coinbase with JavaScript

Coinbase has a maintained API you can use to fetch the data you need. They support various solutions (REST, Websocket, etc.), depending on your requirements. Resources for getting started with general web development is an entirely different beast. I would suggest Angular’s Heroes Tutorial, and from there read up on AJAX or Websockets (for the … Read more

[Solved] Responsive design not working on mobile

If I’m understanding correctly, You need a <div class=”row” before col-sm-4. EDIT: From your screenshot, I don’t see a container, which you will need. Maybe it is already included but I cant see it. You need to have <div class=”container”> <div class=”row”> <div class=”col-sm-4″> Try removing the other divs first to see if that fixes … Read more

[Solved] What i did wrong in my python function?

Well, you got what you told to print! board is a list of list of strs, so board[i] must be a list of strs, and when you write print(board[i]), you get a list! You may need to write this: print(”.join(board[i])) solved What i did wrong in my python function?

[Solved] auto fill html form using php [closed]

To fill the form without reloading the page you will have to use Ajax to request the data from the server (database) and then fill it using javascript, i suggest reading about ajax functions with jquery. if you want for example to fill the id and click a button and the page will reload with … Read more

[Solved] Where do I define my variables? [closed]

you have to create an instance of your class in order to access non static variables from your static methods in java. public class MainGUI { int num1= 1366, num2= 528, num3= 482, sum; // declare these static? public static void main(String args[]) { MainGui m = new MainGUI(); sum = m.num1 + m.num2+ m.num3; … Read more

[Solved] Python- converting to float using map()

It’s ugly, but yeah, it can be done: my_list=[[‘Hello’, 1 , 3],[‘Hi’, 4 , 6]] print(list(map(lambda lst: list(map(lambda x: float(x) if type(x) == int else x, lst)), my_list))) # Output: [[‘Hello’, 1.0, 3.0], [‘Hi’, 4.0, 6.0]] EDIT I personally prefer list comprehension in most cases as opposed to map/lambda, especially here where all the conversions … Read more