[Solved] Tuples conversion into JSON with python [closed]

Assuming you want a list of dicts as the output of the json with each dict be the form in your question: The following one liner will put it into the data structure your looking for with each tuple generating it’s own complete structure: [{‘name’:i[0], ‘children’: [{‘name’: i[1], ‘value’: i[2]}]} for i in tuples] But … Read more

[Solved] Pandas – Count Vectorize Series of Transaction Activities by User [closed]

The pivot_table function in pandas should do what you want. For instance: import pandas as pd frame = pd.read_csv(‘myfile.csv’, header=None) frame.columns = [‘user_id’, ‘date’, ‘event_type’] frame_pivoted = frame.pivot_table( index=’user_id’, columns=”event_type”, aggfunc=”count” ) In general, using vectorized Pandas functions is much faster than for loops, although I haven’t compared the performance in your specific case. 0 … Read more

[Solved] How to do data exploration before choosing any Machine Learning algorithms [closed]

Firstly, you have to understand Machine Learning as a field, and have some understanding of its sub fields. If you don’t intuitively understand your tools, you won’t be able to identify when to use them. The idea you’re talking about is called exploratory data analysis, and it can be very approachable if you think about … Read more

[Solved] How to access a part of an element from a list?

You need to iterate on the list and retrieve the good properties on each. values = [[Decoded(data=b’AZ:HP7CXNGSUFEPZCO4GS5RQPY6XY’, rect=Rect(left=37, top=152, width=94, height=97))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:9475EFWZCNARPEJEZEMXDFHIBI’, rect=Rect(left=32, top=191, width=90, height=88))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:6ECWZUQGEJCR5EZXDH9URCN53M’, rect=Rect(left=48, top=183, width=88, height=89))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:XZ9P6KTDGREM5KIXUO9IHCTKAQ’, rect=Rect(left=73, top=121, width=91, height=94))]] datas = [value[0].data for value in values] # list of encoded string (b”) datas = [value[0].data.decode() for value in … Read more