[Solved] Dynamic Drop down values based on another dropdown [closed]

You have given no HTML or any script you have tried yourself as such the below should serve as a good template for you to get started. DEMO – Cascading dropdowns, show managers for selected department Assuming the following HTML <div> <div style=”float: left;”> Select Department <br /> <select id=”departments”></select> </div> <div style=”float: left; margin-left: … Read more

[Solved] How to rewrite below JSP code in PHP [closed]

This will not work for you, because linking to the login.jsp or logout.jsp inside a php code will be likely to fail. But below code is somewhat equivalent of your jsp code. There is also no mysql query as you’ve described in title. <?php /* session_start() should be somewhere here */ ?> <table width=”1200″ height=”112″ … Read more

[Solved] I need to work it like but using javascriptIs there any javascript function to forward to another page? [closed]

Java practices site sums it up nicely: Forward a forward is performed internally by the servlet the browser is completely unaware that it has taken place, so its original URL remains intact any browser reload of the resulting page will simple repeat the original request, with the original URL Redirect a redirect is a two … Read more

[Solved] Targeting anchor tag to div tag in same page

If you want to use jQuery then you can do this: <ul id=’mainTabs’> <li><a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28454221/music_details.jsp”>Music</a></li> <li><a href=”dance_details.jsp”>Dance</a></li> </ul> then you can do this in jQuery: $(‘#mainTabs a’).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(‘#div_displayfrom’).load(this.getAttribute(‘href’)); }); 1 solved Targeting anchor tag to div tag in same page

[Solved] j2ee pattern for centralizing the process of looking up services [closed]

The service locator pattern can be used for looking up services as described in Core J2EE Patterns. Please notice that this pattern can be considered a bit “outdated” and arguably dependency injection should be preferred in most cases (see here for a more elaborate discussion). solved j2ee pattern for centralizing the process of looking up … Read more

[Solved] Convert HTML code into jquery or javascript? [closed]

Add this code in html where you want to edit button to show <a id=”edit” href=”#” onclick=”editCSV(${command.id})” rel=”tooltip-top”> <img src = “images/icons/edit.png” width = “25” height = “25” /> </a> js if (test == true) { $(‘#edit’).show(); } else { $(‘#edit’).hide(); } pass true <script type=”text/javascript”> var test =pagetype(‘<%=${testCSV}%>’); if (test == true) { $(‘#edit’).show(); … Read more

[Solved] Pasing a line and getting values [closed]

I’m assuming the input is Java. To simply extract the values, you can do String str = “rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.876/13.344/17.155/2.736 ms”; String[] strings = str.split(” “); // split string on spaces, 5 new strings str = strings[3]; // select the 4th of these strings strings = str.split(“https://stackoverflow.com/”); // split again, this time on “https://stackoverflow.com/” … Read more

[Solved] How to increase performance in Spring MVC – Hibernate – JSP – AngularJS v1.6? [closed]

Without more detail, I can only offer general advice, but here goes: Start by profiling the application to see where the bottlenecks actually are. See this question for a list of profiling tools. The golden rule is to measure first, then optimise only what needs optimising! Once you know where improvements need to be made, … Read more

[Solved] alert() not working in JSP

You’re very much confusing the difference between server-side code and client-side code. Conceptually think of them as entirely separate. Your server-side code is this: boolean check = false; System.out.println(“this runs ! “); Two things to notice: You define a variable that you never use. The message will always print to the output because there’s no … Read more

[Solved] How to send data in a jsp form (Registration) to another jsp page (Admin panel) without inserting to database

Follow the steps First Jsp Page <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core” prefix=”c”%> <%@ page session=”false”%> <html> <body> <form action=”main.jsp” method=”GET”> First Name: <input type=”text” name=”first_name”> <br /> Last Name: <input type=”text” name=”last_name” /> <input type=”submit” value=”Submit” /> </form> </body> </html> Second JSP page (page name main.jsp) <html> <head> <title>Using GET Method to Read Form Data</title> </head> <body> … Read more