[Solved] 2.5D engine on Android? [closed]

Like Wikipedia states, you can either render 2D images on the screen giving the effect of a 3D world. For this I would suggest you have a look at the SurfaceView class on the Android developer site as well as having a look at this Android Game Dev. link If you prefer to rather create … Read more

[Solved] In a 2-dimensional array of integers, how can we place a new integer at a completly random spot in the 2-d array?

static void placeRandomly2D(int[][] arr, int limit) { // generates value [0…limit) half-interval and places it into the 2D array arr // at random position; limit must be positive Random rand = new Random(); int value = rand.nextInt(limit); int pos1 = rand.nextInt(arr.length); int pos2 = rand.nextInt(arr[pos1].length); arr[pos1][pos2] = value; } And, just in case, version for … Read more

[Solved] convert circle into heart 2d android [closed]

MathWorld had a great heart shaped function; http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeartCurve.html Basically you have to do something like this in your code; float fraction = (float) this.currentStep / (float) this.steps; –> float t = this.currentStep * 2.0 * Math.PI / (float) this.steps; this.x = 16.0 * Math.pow(Math.sin(t), 3.0)); this.y = 13.0 * Math.cos(t) – 5.0 * Math.cos(2.0 * … Read more