[Solved] Dynamic Memory allocation fault

The issue is that n keeps growing, but your array does not. This code invokes undefined behavior, which thankfully caused a segfault for you: while(ch==’y’) { n++; cout<<“Enter 1 more element: “; cin>>arr[n]; cout<<“Want to enter more? “; cin>>ch; } arr has only been allocated to store n elements. Simply writing past the end will … Read more

[Solved] change word inside multi TXT and save same name [duplicate]

Without utilising another tool/language, batch file solutions will generally write a new destination file before deleting the target file and performing a rename. Here therefore is an option utilising the built-in PowerShell scripting language: From a batch file, with the text files in the current working directory: @PowerShell -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command “Get-ChildItem ‘.\*.txt’|%%{(Get-Content $_.FullName) -CReplace … Read more

[Solved] Passing to a same function matrices with different sizes of both dimensions

You should use a typedef so that you don’t have to use any awful syntax: using matrix_t = int[3][3]; And you should pass your args by reference whenever possible: void handle_matrix(const matrix_t &mat){ // do something with ‘mat’ } If you want to use the original syntax without a typedef: void handle_matrix(const int (&mat)[3][3]){ // … Read more

[Solved] Jquery to navigate through div [closed]

Here you go. EDIT If you want to go to new page after last div just add else statement and add some attribute to send url. $(“#button”).on(‘click’, function() { var visible = $(“[id^=div]:visible”), number = parseInt(visible.attr(‘id’).substr(3)) + 1, nextDiv = $(“#div” + number); if (nextDiv.length > 0) { visible.hide(); nextDiv.show(); } else { location.href = … Read more

[Solved] Can super form WordPress plugin works on different OS , with php version 7.0?

PHP 5.3 has different operator precedence to 7.x, if memory serves. So retaining the PHP version would be a problem. Plugins should work exactly the same between different OSes providing that permissions are the same. Changing between Apache and Nginx can break them if they’re dependent on rewrites/.htaccess. I hope that helps. solved Can super … Read more

[Solved] Delete query to delete data from multiple tables in sql server and c#

Like this? It seems easiest just to do it as three separate statements. DELETE FROM Products WHERE SubCatId IN (SELECT SubCatID FROM SubCategory WHERE MainCatId = @mainCatId); DELETE FROM SubCategory WHERE MainCatId = @mainCatId; DELETE FROM MainCategory WHERE MainCatId = @mainCatId; 8 solved Delete query to delete data from multiple tables in sql server and … Read more

[Solved] Updating JSON response using Javascript

getresponse is an object, not a JSON string so you can just update the value. var getresponse = [{“messages”:[],”entity”:{“id”:817457,”name”:”Test 1″,”campaignId”:119602,”startDate”:1528848000000,”endDate”:1546300740000,”optimizationGoal”:”CPM”,”lifetimeBudget”:20.0,”audiences”:[{“id”:1026692,”name”:”Default Audience”,”pmpDeals”:null,”siteLists”:null,”exchanges”:{“include”:[5,45],”exclude”:[]}}],”max_bid”:2.0,”daily_budget”:null,”channels”:[“DESKTOP”,”MOBILE”]}}] getresponse[0].entity.id = 999999 If it were a JSON string, you could do the following: var decoded = JSON.parse(getresponse) decoded[0].entity.id = 999999 var encoded = JSON.stringify(decoded) solved Updating JSON response using Javascript