[Solved] Let’s say I have an array of characters (a string ) and I want to count how many time each character appears. However there should be no if

Let’s say I have an array of characters (a string ) and I want to count how many time each character appears. However there should be no if solved Let’s say I have an array of characters (a string ) and I want to count how many time each character appears. However there should be … Read more

[Solved] How to get tomcat to understand MacRoman (x-mac-roman) charset from my Mac keyboard? [duplicate]

Use UTF-8 instead. It’s understood by every self-respected client side and server side operating system platform. It’s also considered the standard character encoding these days. Tomcat still defaults to the old ISO 8859-1 charset as to decoding GET request parameters and to the server platform default encoding as to decoding POST request parameters. To set … Read more

[Solved] Removing ASCII characters in a string with encoding

I gave a unsatisfying answer, thanks to @OlegEstekhin for pointing that out. As noone else answered yet, and a solution is not a two-liner, here it goes. Make a wrapping InputStream that throws away escape sequences. I have used a PushbackInputStream, where a partial sequence skipped, may still be pushed back for reading first. Here … Read more

[Solved] PHP – Convert ΓÇô to dash

I found the answer! It’s inspired by this answer $title = “Hunting, Tactical & Outdoor Optics eCommerce Store ΓÇô $595,000 ΓÇö SOLD”; $title = str_replace(html_entity_decode(‘–’, ENT_COMPAT, ‘UTF-8’), ‘-‘, $title); $title = str_replace(html_entity_decode(‘—’, ENT_COMPAT, ‘UTF-8’), ‘-‘, $title); Replacing the character right away won’t work. html_entity_decode is definitely needed. solved PHP – Convert ΓÇô to dash