[Solved] Why does floating-point arithmetic not give exact results when adding decimal fractions?

Binary floating point math is like this. In most programming languages, it is based on the IEEE 754 standard. The crux of the problem is that numbers are represented in this format as a whole number times a power of two; rational numbers (such as 0.1, which is 1/10) whose denominator is not a power … Read more

[Solved] Interval range insert with split into unique ranges

in the actual code there is a differentiation between old interval ranges and new ranges after applying certain operation those ranges would be merged together. I wanted to split the question into smaller chunk so the merging part is left out. Solely: It is easier to merge in the new interval directly, instead of artificially … Read more

[Solved] What is the simplest way to access array (not vector) element from middle to outermost?

An algorithm to list the elements from innermost to outermost is to pull off the last and first entries (pop and shift) in the array in alternation until no elements are left, then reverse the list of what you have pulled off. This works for odd and even-length arrays naturally. For example, 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4,5 6 … Read more