[Solved] About ListBox limit item [closed]

From your question, it looks like you need to implement virtualization on the listbox. You can either use a VirtualizingStackPanel inside a Listbox as ItemsPanel Template or you use – ItemsControl and set its property VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing=”True” This should help. solved About ListBox limit item [closed]

[Solved] “Hello world” c# program appear for a split of a second with Visual Studio [closed]

You are probably running the application in debug, without something to prevent it to close as soon as the job gets done. Basically, your code executes, and the application shuts because there is nothing else left to do. Two solutions: do as Štěpán Šubík recommands : put a Console.ReadKey(); start the application without debugging (Ctrl+F5 … Read more