[Solved] C# using Tuple with Sum [closed]
i found: CalculPoids = p.Poids/(Enumerable.Repeat(10, p.Sum / 10).Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(p.Sum % 10, 1))).Count() solved C# using Tuple with Sum [closed]
i found: CalculPoids = p.Poids/(Enumerable.Repeat(10, p.Sum / 10).Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(p.Sum % 10, 1))).Count() solved C# using Tuple with Sum [closed]
The first output shows a comma because without it, 1 being the only element, (1) would be just a integer (parentheses are wrapping the expression 1), (1,) is shown to differentiate tuples and simple parentheses. in the second one, no trailing comma is needed to differentiate tuples, since there are more than one element. In … Read more
You may want to redesign how you define a card: enum Suit: String { case heart, diamond, club, spade } enum Rank: Int { case _1 = 1, _2 = 2, _3 = 3, _4 = 4, _5 = 5, _6 = 6, _7 = 7, _8 = 8, _9 = 9, _10 = 10 … Read more
Use ast.literal_eval to convert the string to a tuple. >>> s = “(‘Who is Shaka Khan?’,{‘entities’: [(7, 17, ‘PERSON’)]}),” >>> import ast >>> t = ast.literal_eval(s) >>> t[0] (‘Who is Shaka Khan?’, {‘entities’: [(7, 17, ‘PERSON’)]}) >>> t[0][0] ‘Who is Shaka Khan?’ >>> t[0][1] {‘entities’: [(7, 17, ‘PERSON’)]} Optionally, you can convert it to a … Read more
Introduction Python is a powerful programming language that allows you to manipulate data in a variety of ways. One of the most common tasks is to convert a string to a tuple. A tuple is a data structure that is similar to a list, but it is immutable, meaning that once it is created, it … Read more
In Elixir it’s quite easy with Enum.group_by/3: iex> Enum.group_by(values, fn {key, _} -> key end, fn {_, value} -> value end) %{ “Caerus1” => [“Ramses Refiner”, “Jupiter Refiner”, “Jupiter Other”, “Trader 13”, “Cathode Supplier 4”], “Dionysus3” => [“Cathode Supplier 4”, “Ramses Refiner”, “Trader 13”, “Jupiter Refiner”, “Jupiter Other”], “Prometheus2” => [“Jupiter Other”, “Ramses Refiner”, “Trader … Read more
I guess you need something like this: >>> from itertools import groupby #filter items that contain ’00:00′ >>> mylist = [x for x in mylist if x[-2] != ’00:00′ ] #now group lists based on the the second last item for k,g in groupby(mylist, key = lambda x 😡 [-2]): #find the min among the … Read more
You’d still use enumerate(); you didn’t show how you used it but it but it solves your issue: for index, (value,num) in enumerate(sorted_list, start=1): print(“{}.\t{:<5}\t{:>5}”.format(index, value,num)) I folded your str.ljust() and str.rjust() calls into the str.format() template; this has the added advantage that it’ll work for any value you can format, not just strings. Demo: … Read more
You need to break up the rows and convert each value to an integer. At the moment you are looking for the presence of the string “3” which is why strings like “2;13” pass the test. Try something like this: list_6 = [“4;99”, “3;4;8;9;14;18”, “2;3;8;12;18”, “2;3;11;18”, “2;3;8;18”, “2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;11;12;15;16;17;18”, “2;3;4;8;9;10;11;13;18”, “1;3;4;5;6;7;13;16;17”, “2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;11;12;14;15;18”, “3;11;18”, “2;3;5;8;9;11;12;13;15;16;17;18”, “2;5;11;18”, “1;2;3;4;5;8;9;11;17;18”, … Read more
test = [[(u’hello’,), (u’hello’,)], [(u’hello’,)]] for i, part_i in enumerate(test): for j, part_j in enumerate(part_i): test[i][j] = str(part_j[0]) Or, if you prefer the one-line version: test = [[(u’hello’,), (u’hello’,)], [(u’hello’,)]] result = [[str(j[0]) for j in i] for i in test] solved How to change this list tuple into list only in Python? [closed]
Being NumPy tagged, here’s a NumPy solution – In [846]: import numpy as np In [847]: t = (1,5,2,3,4,5,6,7,3,2,2,4,3) In [848]: a = [1,2,3] In [849]: np.in1d(t,a).sum() Out[849]: 7 # Alternatively with np.count_nonzero for summing booleans In [850]: np.count_nonzero(np.in1d(t,a)) Out[850]: 7 Another NumPy one with np.bincount for the specific case of positive numbered elements in … Read more
To get your message, use: a[0] To get your IP, use: a[1][0] To get 34343 (whatever that is), use: a[1][1] solved How to extract IP address from given tuple with mix of string and integer number
It is saying that on this line: med_sev =(accidents[quotient][1] + accidents[quotient+2][1])/2 you are trying to index something that doesn’t exist. I imagine it is on the part accidents[quotient+2][1] because this is the greater indexed one. What does this mean? Well suppose that accidents is something like accidents = [[thing0, thing1], [thing2, thing3]] now say the … Read more
You can implement it using mapM_/traverse_ or the flipped argument versions: forM_/for_. I prefer for_ since it looks more like the “enhanced for-loop” from languages like Java. import Data.Foldable (for_) myPutStr :: [(Double,String)] -> IO () myPutStr vals = do for_ vals $ \(num, str) -> do putStr str putStr “: ” print (num * … Read more
Lists don’t take name-value pairs. You probably want dictionaries here instead: definitions = { ‘title_label’: { ‘text’: (236, 218, 51), ‘background’: (125, 142, 246) }, ‘start_button’: { ‘text’: (32, 40, 145), ‘background’: (236, 235, 136), ‘pressed’: (44, 51, 112) }, ‘quit_button’: { ‘text’: (166, 21, 13), ‘background’: (48, 61, 188), ‘pressed’: (31, 40, 129) } … Read more