[Solved] PHP Switch statements Error [closed]

You don’t actually use the brackets or default like that. <?php switch ($type) { case ‘pm’: // Do something when $type is ‘pm’ // This can be multiple statements break; case ‘notification’: // Do something when $type is ‘notification’ // This can be multiple statements break; default: // Do something else break; } You only … Read more

[Solved] Switch statement (Character) [closed]

A isn’t a valid character literal – ‘A’ is. So you want: switch (grade) { case ‘A’: nv[i] = 4; //nv = numerical value break; case ‘B’: nv[i] = 3; break; case ‘C’: nv[i] = 2; break; case ‘D’: nv[i] = 1; break; case ‘F’: nv[i] = 0; break; } You should also probably have … Read more

[Solved] Why can’t i check the return of a function with a switch?

It can be done – however your function should be returning an int. int foo(void) { return 1; } int main(void) { switch(foo()) { case 0: printf(“foo\n”); break; case 1: printf(“bar\n”); break; default: break; } return 0; } As, can been seen this compiles and runs. [09:36 PM] $ gcc -Wall -Werror switcht.c -o switcht … Read more

[Solved] MySQL Query for Date Part

This is essentially the same as Mosty’s answer but with the LEFT JOIN to retrieve events that occur only once. This will retrieve all events for today. SELECT * FROM `tblEvent` LEFT JOIN `tblEventRecurring` ON `tblEvent`.`id` = `tblEventRecurring`.`event_id` WHERE (`tblEvent`.`date` = CURRENT_DATE AND `tblEventRecurring`.`event_id` IS NULL) OR ( CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN `tblEvent`.`date` AND `tblEventRecurring`.`end_date` AND ( … Read more

[Solved] C language, explain this code [closed]

Reason for specific output. Since you don not have a break; for switch conditions you fall through all the switch cases from the first match found From this tutorial, When the variable being switched on is equal to a case, the statements following that case will execute until a break statement is reached. If no … Read more

[Solved] C Looping a switch using Y/N options. Choosing N doesn’t close the program

change scanf(“%s”, &input); to scanf(” %c”, &input); and get rid of getchar()s at the end. It will work as you wanted. %c specifier reads a char character, but it does not omit whitespace characters. Putting space onto scanf’s format will deal with whitespaces and read first non-whitespace char. To be more clear, see what man … Read more

[Solved] Float not working with switch

As the comments suggest: expected behavior. You can’t switch on a variable of type float. The answer is: that would be a bad idea anyway. Keep in mind that floating point numbers are “inaccurate” by design (see here for example). Whereas switch has the notion of exactly matching n different cases. But that is simply … Read more

[Solved] Switch statements for a Menu (c#)

As I said in the comments, you could embed it in a while loop bool continue = true; while (continue) { Console.WriteLine(“Enter Customer Details (s)”); Console.WriteLine(“Enter usage data (u)”); Console.WriteLine(“Display usage data (d)”); Console.WriteLine(“Exit (e)”); string menu = Console.ReadLine(); switch (menu) { case “s”: //statement break; case “u”: //statement break; case “d”: //statement break; case … Read more

[Solved] PHP switch trouble [closed]

the expression ($item>=17) && ($item<=20) evaluates to 0, as the value of $item is 0. the switch-case statement will merely match the value of $item with case values. So, your code, in first case is equivalent to switch($item){ case (1): $case=”<16″; break; case ( 0): $case=”>=17_<=20″; break; case ( 0): $case=”>=21_<=25″; break; } 0 solved … Read more

[Solved] How to create a switch for a takeDamage method

If I understood your question correctly, you want something like this: public void takeDamage(int damage){ shield-=damage; if(shield < 0){ health+=shield; //shield is negative,so subtracts leftover damage from health if(health <= 0){ lives–; health=DEFAULT_HEALTH_VALUE; //replace with your own default values shield=DEFAULT_SHIELD_VALUE; } } } 0 solved How to create a switch for a takeDamage method