[Solved] Receive from non-chan type *bool

Those two lines in your main function shadow your global variable declaration: optQuit := getopt.BoolLong(“quit”, 0, “Help”) optRun := getopt.BoolLong(“run”, ‘r’, “Help”) If you only use them, to get a nice usage, why not create a usage function yourself? If you insist on using getopt just to create a usage, do _ = getopt.BoolLong(“quit”, 0, … Read more

[Solved] What am I doing wrong with this NSMutableArray of structs in NSUserDefaults? “attempt to insert non-property list object”

From the NSUserDefaults Class Reference: A default object must be a property list, that is, an instance of (or for collections a combination of instances of): NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary. If you want to store any other type of object, you should typically archive it to create an instance of NSData. The … Read more

[Solved] Python 2.7 – clean syntax for lvalue modification

I feel like we’ve given the search for pre-existing solutions its due diligence. Given that “<=” is assignment in some languages (e.g., Verilog) we can quite intuitively introduce: value_struct_instance<<=’field’, value as the Pythonic form of value_struct_instance.field = value Here is an updated example for instructive purposes: # Python doesn’t support copy-on-assignment, so we must use … Read more

[Solved] Do I need to do a free on a struct? [closed]

you shall not free() instances that have not been allocated through malloc(), though it’s unclear how the instance has been allocated before being given to that function, though it’s unlikely it’s been malloc()ed as this is C++, which leads me to 2. ; you should not free() C++ objects, but instead call delete that will … Read more

[Solved] What does struct mean in variable definition? c++

In this statement struct sockaddr *ai_addr; there is used so-called elaborated type specifier. This statement does two things. First of all it declares type name sockaddr and declares a pointer of this type. To declare a pointer to a structure there is no need that the structure would be defined that is that it would … Read more

[Solved] C++ struct in a vector in an object(class)

The problem is that you define a type (account) in the class. account is a type so you should not declare it in the class : struct account { std::string name; float money; short pin; }; and then, the class becomes : class CBank { public: CBank(); account acc; std::vector<account> add; }; and the main … Read more

[Solved] Return struct after parsing json in Swift

I found the solution. You have to add a closure and then use it when calling the function. func getData(symbol: String, completion: @escaping (Stock) -> Void) { let apiURL = “https://cloud.iexapis.com/stable/stock/\(symbol)/quote?token=\(secretToken)” let url = URL(string: apiURL)! URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, err) in guard let data = data else { return } do { let … Read more

[Solved] Using struct to display military time and add one second to user input (C++)

Here are some issues I found. 1. Don’t use struct when referring to variable types. Incorrect: void getTime(struct Time *time) Correct: void getTime(Time * time) Pass by reference, not pointer:void getTime(Time& time) You need to use either . syntax to refer to members or ->:cin >> time->hours; // if passed by pointer.cin >> time.hours; // … Read more

[Solved] How to put a hex value into a 24 bit struct

If you have control of your input format, i.e. you can guarantee it will always be something like 0xabc, then you can try: const char input[] = “0xabc”; uint32_t tmp; sscanf(input, “0x%x”, &tmp); struct cmd cmdid; cmdid.a = (tmp & 0xFF0000U) >> 16; cmdid.b = (tmp & 0xFF00U) >> 8; cmdid.c = (tmp & 0xFFU); … Read more

[Solved] How to get random value from struct

If you want to keep it packed in some type you better use enum instead: enum RandomMessage: String, CaseIterable { case message1 = “Message1” case message2 = “Message2” case message3 = “Message3” case message4 = “Message4” case message5 = “Message5” static var get: String { return allCases.randomElement()!.rawValue } } This way you will guarantee that … Read more