[Solved] undefined method `round’ for nil:NilClass when calculating difference between dates [closed]

Introduction When calculating the difference between two dates, you may encounter the error “undefined method `round’ for nil:NilClass”. This error occurs when the difference between the two dates is nil, meaning that the two dates are the same. This error can be solved by checking if the difference between the two dates is nil before … Read more

[Solved] Simple form multiple select

I have solved a first party of my problem, I have an available beautiful number check: <%= simple_form_for @sudoku do |f| %> <ul> <% (1..9).each do |x| %> <div class=”btn-group” data-toggle=”buttons”> <label class=”btn btn-primary”> <input type=”checkbox” name=”sudoku[number]” id=”optionsCheckboxs<%= x %>” value=”<%= x %>” autocomplete=”off” > <%= x %> </label> </div> <% end %> but i … Read more

[Solved] `Case/when` statement works some of the time

For some reason you iterate over REGEXS, ignore the item in the iteration, then hard-code them again… you actually do text.gsub(Supertag::Tag::USERTAG_REGEX) … 3 times – once for each REGEX in your list. Also, you misuse the case when construct, I suggest you read more about it You should either drop the each entirely, and use … Read more

[Solved] How can I convert a JSON file to a html page in Ruby on Rails? [closed]

I think this recursive function does a good job at converting the JSON file to a pretty html page. def parse(hash, iteration=0 ) iteration += 1 output = “” hash.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) output += “<div class=”entry” style=”margin-left:#{iteration}em”> <span style=”font-size:#{250 – iteration*20}%”>#{key}: </span><br>” output += parse(value,iteration) output += “</div>” elsif value.is_a?(Array) output += … Read more

[Solved] Error undefined methode ‘interger’ when make migrate [closed]

try this: class CreatePages < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change create_table :pages do |t| t.string :name t.text :description t.text :address t.text :contact t.string :profile_image t.string :cover_image t.string :look_book t.integer :seller_id t.timestamps end end end solved Error undefined methode ‘interger’ when make migrate [closed]

[Solved] How to replace a pattern in a string

I would do this for the links <%= ([1,2,3]- [params[:x]]).each do |link_number| %> <%= link_to “Version #{link_number}”, “/page?x=#{link_number}” %> <% end %> This way everytime the page is loaded the link to the other 2 versions will exist. You could handle the partials through the controller (which seems better) or use something like: <%= render … Read more

[Solved] Rails app have not exist [closed]

cPanel Shared hosting is not meant for Ruby on Rails work. You should go for a VPS. If you need something light, try Heruku. They are kind of shared hosting (PAAS) for Ruby on Rails and some other stacks. Plus, they also offer a free plan. 3 solved Rails app have not exist [closed]