[Solved] How to delete first text? (c#)

If you have dynamic separators like this, String.Split is not suitable. Use Regex.Split instead. You can give a pattern to Regex.Split and it will treat every substring that matches the pattern as a separator. In this case, you need a pattern like this: \d+\. |1|2|3|4 | are or operators. \d matches any digit character. + … Read more

[Solved] In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate]

In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate] solved In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate]

[Solved] RegExp multipart phrase

You should be able to use the following : match \\abc{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)} replace by \1 : \2 You can try it here. [^}]* matches every character but }, it is used to match the content of the brackets without risk of overflowing. Aside from that we escape the \ to match its literal character, group the … Read more

[Solved] Automatically changes code through out the application at many places

Below code will do the needfull. var replaces = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { “A”, “B” }, { “C”, “D” }, {“E”,”F”} }; var files = Directory.GetFiles(@”C:\Folder\”, “*.txt”,SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var file in files) { var text = File.ReadAllText(file); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> ky in replaces) { text = text.Replace(ky.Key.ToString(), ky.Value.ToString()); } string [] splittedpath = file.ToString().Split(‘\\’); … Read more

[Solved] Truncate text preserving keywords

const regEsc = (str) => str.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, “\\$&”); const string = “Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy book text of the printing and text book typesetting industry. Dummy Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy Ipsum text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a … Read more

[Solved] javascript replace \/ or /\ to single slash /

Because a backslash is used as an escape character, you’ll need to escape it: str = str.replace(“\\/”, “https://stackoverflow.com/”); The above replaces \/ with /. In general, anywhere you use a backslash in a string, you probably need to escape it. So, to replace /\ with /, you’d use: str = str.replace(“/\\”, “https://stackoverflow.com/”); These will, of … Read more

[Solved] Replace Function – vb.net [closed]

don’n know exactly what do you want but below 2 code snippets can help you: 1.just use Replace: ‘remove tab characters Dim outString as String = inString.Replace(Constants.vbTab, “”) or ‘remove spacec haracters Dim outString as String = inString.Replace(” “, “”) 2.use an Split then use Replace in a loop through resulted array by Split: ‘split … Read more

[Solved] Replace Exact String in Java

You can use: String result = “http://sdsadasd/time/time.jsp?tp=&a”.replaceFirst(“time\\.jsp”, “java.jsp”); Or using the good friend ApacheCommon StringUtils… String result = StringUtils.replaceOnce(“http://sdsadasd/time/time.jsp?tp=&a”, “time.jsp”, “java.jsp”); For example, you can do: public static void main(String[] args) { String result = “http://sdsadasd/time/time.jsp?tp=&a”.replaceFirst(“time\\.jsp”, “java.jsp”); System.out.println(result); } // Print: http://sdsadasd/time/java.jsp?tp=&a 4 solved Replace Exact String in Java

[Solved] I need to replace : with “:” form the string “AAAA:123346hadhdhajkkd890” result like “AAAA”:”123346hadhdhajkkd890″ using Replace functionality in C#

I need to replace : with “:” form the string “AAAA:123346hadhdhajkkd890” result like “AAAA”:”123346hadhdhajkkd890″ using Replace functionality in C# solved I need to replace : with “:” form the string “AAAA:123346hadhdhajkkd890” result like “AAAA”:”123346hadhdhajkkd890″ using Replace functionality in C#