[Solved] What does ^= do in python [closed]

^ is the binary XOR operator. In short, it converts input into binary numbers and performs a bitwise XOR operation. >>> 2^3 # 10 XOR 11 1 # 01 The expression lone num ^= number is equivalent to lone_num = lone_num ^ number I’d be happy to answer any additional questions you might have. 2 … Read more

[Solved] Syntax error in python when using ;

while len(sent) < senten_min_length: use < instead of & lt; There is no & lt; in Python. It is possible that you are getting this error because you have copied the code from some Website(HTML file). solved Syntax error in python when using ;

[Solved] “Expected an indented block” error while coding python for discord bot [closed]

Looks like it’s this section: async def raid(ctx): while True: await ctx.send(“””@Raider come show some support and join the raid! Meet: (link1) Target: (link2) Raid Call: “””) await asyncio.sleep(5) Just needs to be indented properly: async def raid(ctx): while True: await ctx.send(“””@Raider come show some support and join the raid! Meet: (link1) Target: (link2) Raid … Read more

[Solved] Is there a way to search an object in a python list?

You can use a list comprehension to filter the data you need. For example: # Data: l=[{“id”:”1″, “name”: “name1”}, {“id”:”2″, “name”: “nam2”}, {“id”:”1″, “name”: “name3”}] print(len([x for x in l if x[‘id’]==’1′])) # Result: 2 # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # This is the key part: you filter the list according to a condition # (in this case: … Read more

[Solved] Why Does This Python Function Print Twice?

Let’s split your code… Part1: create function do_twice(f), that will run f() two times. def do_twice(f): f() f() Part2: create a function called print_spam() that will print() the word “spam” def print_spam(): print(‘spam’) Part3: call the function print_spam() inside the do_twice() funtion do_twice(print_spam) This way, your code will ‘think’ something like this: “Oh he called … Read more

[Solved] Create list of object in python [duplicate]

The syntax for the append method is as follow: list.append(obj) So you should replace students.append() by: students.append(tmp) Moreover, your print_info and input_info methods are not displaying the properties of a given student, but the properties of the class Student itself (which are always the same for every instance of the class). You should fix that. 3 solved Create … Read more