[Solved] Python code to sum the square values of numbers from 1 to n

Here is how you would do it in Python 2:

n = int(raw_input("Type n:"))
total = 0
for i in range(1,n+1):
    total += i**2
print total

Here is how you would do it in Python 3:

n = int(input("Type n:"))
total = 0
for i in range(1,n+1):
    total += i**2

This takes the numbers 1 through n and put them into variable i. For each time this happens, it takes the square of i and adds it onto total. It then prints the total.

I suggest reading a Python book. “Hello World” by Carter and Warren Sande is a fantastic one!

If you need further clarification, notify me in the comments.

solved Python code to sum the square values of numbers from 1 to n