[Solved] Needing help understanding piece of Java code

On your class DVDPlayer you chose to say that a regular DVDPlayer cannot record. So you set it to false. If you want it to record you either change the variable directly, like you did on the class DVDPlayerTestDrive. The boolean canRecord = false is only meant to show you that it is possible to … Read more

[Solved] How to read a file line by line in PHP

I assume you need a way to make it more dynamic than manually typing [0] then [1] and so on? You can loop the txtfile with foreach and assign new array items with []. $file = fopen(“path of txt”); foreach($file as $line){ $numDoc[] = substr($line, 46, 5); $dateDoc[] = substr($line, 30, 8); } The code … Read more

[Solved] Class in another class, the error as TypeError: Student.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘lap’ in line 21. s1=Student(‘raj’,2) [closed]

Class in another class, the error as TypeError: Student.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘lap’ in line 21. s1=Student(‘raj’,2) [closed] solved Class in another class, the error as TypeError: Student.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘lap’ in line 21. s1=Student(‘raj’,2) [closed]

[Solved] What is the difference between overloading the assignment operator and any other operator?

Here are two differences: An overloaded assignment operator must be a member of the class being assigned to; it cannot be declared as a free function. Copy and move assignment operators will be implicitly declared for your class if you do not declare them yourself (subject to certain restrictions). solved What is the difference between … Read more

[Solved] What is the difference between overloading the assignment operator and any other operator?

Introduction The assignment operator is a special operator in C++ that is used to assign a value to a variable. It is different from other operators in that it can be overloaded, meaning that it can be given a new meaning or behavior. Overloading the assignment operator allows for more flexibility when assigning values to … Read more

[Solved] Javascript can implement OOP but Ruby can’t implement functional programming? [closed]

Ruby does have first class functions. What makes you think it doesn’t? From wikipedia: A language that has first-class functions is one where: The language supports constructing new functions during the execution of a program, storing them in data structures, passing them as arguments to other functions, and returning them as the values of other … Read more

[Solved] How to display data in MYSQLI using OOP in PHP .

To use PDO is apparently the best way to display data from MySQL database using OOP in PHP $stmt = $Connection->prepare(“SELECT * FROM countries WHERE name = ?”); $stmt->execute([“name_for_search”]); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(); solved How to display data in MYSQLI using OOP in PHP .

[Solved] How to override a function without redefine in c#?

You mean you want to call the base constructor from the derived constructor? Yes, you can do that with the base() construct. public Derived(int sides) : base(sides) When Square() actually isn’t a constructor (it is in your question, no return type or void) but a method, you can do it like this: public override returntype … Read more