[Solved] Crash if digit is more than 9

@Fay Zan Basically you don’t want user to input more than 9 digits for your field, This can be achieved using two ways programmatically or using layout views properties, In you xml simple give this attribute to your EditText android:maxLength=”9″ OR programmatically by checking the length of your field. for example suppose the id of … Read more

[Solved] get extremes from list of numbers [closed]

Mine’s similar to jprofitt’s but I divided them into peaks and valleys, so I can do some more stuff with it. I think his loop is much more cleaner than mine is, but I just wanted to test it out for myself.Don’t judge meeeeee This script just plots the points out and selects the peaks … Read more

[Solved] Unable to renew random number on python

You are actually getting a new random number every loop. Your problem is here: … if DeathDoor == door: … You are comparing an integer to a string, which always yields False. The correct way is if DeathDoor == int(door) Also resetting RandomNum and DeathDoor to zero is unecessary. Since you are just beginning to … Read more

[Solved] Need to search for number combinations within textbox(c#)

Try this: string Input = “919982115672”; Console.Write(Search(Input)); public string Search(string Input) { Dictionary<string, string> PreDefinedSearchAndTexts = new Dictionary<string, string>(); PreDefinedSearchAndTexts.Add(“8211”, “Hello”); PreDefinedSearchAndTexts.Add(“82”, “My name is inigo montya”); PreDefinedSearchAndTexts.Add(“9821”, “You killed my father”); PreDefinedSearchAndTexts.Add(“5672”, “Prepare to die”); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach(string Key in PreDefinedSearchAndTexts.Keys) { if(Input.Contains(Key)) { sb.Append(Key).Append(” : “).AppendLine(PreDefinedSearchAndTexts[Key]); } } return sb.ToString(); … Read more

[Solved] C language, How can I Convert Number to String? [closed]

You need to use some combinatory logic to do this. A straightforward way consist in converting your 10 bytes number into BCD representation first (Binary-coded decimal), then convert your BCD number into an ASCII string, which is quite simple. Have a look at this for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_dabble 4 solved C language, How can I Convert … Read more

[Solved] how to test if Long ends with a number pattern on JAVA?

i agree with @shmosel solution. But it’s true just when second number has only 3 digits. boolean compareTail(long one, long two) { int digits =(int) Math.log10(two)+1; long formated = one % ((long) Math.pow(10, digits)); return formated == two; } 0 solved how to test if Long ends with a number pattern on JAVA?

[Solved] Odd Palindrome generator (0 to 25000)

I think, this is program you are searching for. public class Palindrome { public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i=0;i<=25000;i++){ int number=i; int reverse=0; int temp=0; while(number>0){ temp=number%10; number=number/10; reverse=reverse*10+temp; // System.out.println(rev); if(i==reverse){ if(reverse%2!=0){ System.out.println(reverse); } } } } } } 1 solved Odd Palindrome generator (0 to 25000)

[Solved] Code: How can I go over a list of numbers and print the number of consecutive increases in Python? [closed]

There are 4 things I’d like to mention. Here’s some code and its output: def srk_func(words): current = [] lastc = [] for x in words: if len(current) == 0: current.append(int(x)) elif len(current) == 1: if current[0] < int(x): current.append(int(x)) else: if len(current) >= len(lastc): lastc = current current[:] = [] current.append(int(x)) elif len(current) >= … Read more