[Solved] algorithm for finding the number of 1s in a matrix (only vertical 1s). The image is self explanatory that what i exactly want

algorithm for finding the number of 1s in a matrix (only vertical 1s). The image is self explanatory that what i exactly want solved algorithm for finding the number of 1s in a matrix (only vertical 1s). The image is self explanatory that what i exactly want

[Solved] Exception thrown: read access violation. **dynamicArray** was 0x1118235. occurred

There are multiple issues with your program. Let me list all of them one by one. As mentioned in one of the comments, You are immediately deallocating memory just after you allocated it. Definitely this will result in a segmentation fault or memory access violation when you access deallocated memory. When you allocate the memory … Read more

[Solved] How to read two matrices from a txt file in java

You have to: read first line split it to get dimensions read next lines (regards dimensions) read special char (@) repeat Reading first array you have there: static void readFile() throws IOException { BufferedReader reader; reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(“file.txt”)); String firstDimension = reader.readLine(); String[] split = firstDimension.split(” “); int firstX = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); int firstY … Read more

[Solved] Generating random matrix in c [closed]

int main() { int random[3][3]; int i, o; srand(time(NULL)); for(o = 0; o<3; o++) for(i = 0; i<3; i++) random[o][i] = rand(); return 0; } That’ll do it. If you want a particular subset of data you can use the % operator on the output from rand(), for example: rand() % 10; // generates a … Read more

[Solved] Passing map (matrix) to class C++ [closed]

Try using Boost.MultiArray. It allows you to create multidimensional arrays with contents of arbitrary content type. I have used it (the boost::multi_array_ref part to be more specific) and it works pretty nice. An important feature is the ability to create array views (and slices based on views). solved Passing map (matrix) to class C++ [closed]