[Solved] Python-Turtle: Turning list of Strings into a working code

#example of the list being used conundrum = [‘black pen’, ‘lift pen’, [‘go to’, -98, 132], [‘draw dot’, 10], ‘lift pen’, [‘go to’, -120, 137], [‘draw dot’, 10], ‘lift pen’, ‘thick lines’, [‘go to’, -55, 80], ‘lower pen’] #Import everything from the turtle library from turtle import * #Define the draw function def draw(test): home() … Read more

[Solved] How to access a part of an element from a list?

You need to iterate on the list and retrieve the good properties on each. values = [[Decoded(data=b’AZ:HP7CXNGSUFEPZCO4GS5RQPY6XY’, rect=Rect(left=37, top=152, width=94, height=97))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:9475EFWZCNARPEJEZEMXDFHIBI’, rect=Rect(left=32, top=191, width=90, height=88))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:6ECWZUQGEJCR5EZXDH9URCN53M’, rect=Rect(left=48, top=183, width=88, height=89))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:XZ9P6KTDGREM5KIXUO9IHCTKAQ’, rect=Rect(left=73, top=121, width=91, height=94))]] datas = [value[0].data for value in values] # list of encoded string (b”) datas = [value[0].data.decode() for value in … Read more

[Solved] Sum from random list in python

There is a function combinations in itertools and it can be used to generate combinations. import random import itertools # Generate a random list of 30 numbers mylist = random.sample(range(-50,50), 30) combins = itertools.combinations(mylist, 3) interested = list(filter(lambda combin: sum(combin) == 0, combins)) print(interested) Note that the results from filter() and itertools.combinations() are iterables and … Read more

[Solved] Printing list shows single quote mark

Here’s one utility function that worked for me: def printList(L): # print list of objects using string representation if (len(L) == 0): print “[]” return s = “[” for i in range (len(L)-1): s += str(L[i]) + “, ” s += str(L[i+1]) + “]” print s This works ok for list of any object, for … Read more

[Solved] How to cast a type to specific class in c# 4.0 after querying LINQ to Object

Use .FirstOrDefault() to get the first element matching your Where(), or null when none match: var oCustomer = oCust.Where(x => x.CountryCode == “US”).FirstOrDefault(); also discuss how to solve the above scenario using auto mapper with sample code. You’ve done this under various of your questions: “Here is my question, oh and please explain this related … Read more

[Solved] I have a list of file names and I need to be able to count how many of the same file gets repeated for each file name [closed]

If you already have a list of filenames use collections.Counter: from collections import Counter files = [“foo.txt”,”foo.txt”,”foobar.c”] c = Counter(files) print (c) Counter({‘foo.txt’: 2, ‘foobar.c’: 1}) The keys will be your files and the values will be how many times the file appears in your list: solved I have a list of file names and … Read more