[Solved] C – list all files in current directory then move in directory above, list files, and so on until root directory is reached [closed]

Your cwd[1] != 0 or cwd[1] != ‘\0′ is an okay way to do it. There’s no need to cast that to an int. You could also use strcmp(cwd, “https://stackoverflow.com/”), which makes it slightly more clear what you are doing. This will be zero at the root directory on a UNIX or Linux system. For … Read more

[Solved] What is the meaning of pwd|sed -e?

So first you should know that this is two commands – pwd and sed -e “s#/survey1##” – and these two commands are being run together in a pipeline. That is, the output of the first command is being sent to the second command as input. That is, in general, what | means in unix shell … Read more

[Solved] RAM Utilization [closed]

My question is why it is consuming that much of RAM. Can anyone help me to get it on this. Whenever you read a file, it goes into the disk cache, it stays there until you delete the file or memory pressure causes it to be evicted. This means that once your machine has read … Read more

[Solved] what is The poisoned NUL byte, in 1998 and 2014 editions?

To even begin to understand how this attack works, you will need at least a basic understanding of how a CPU works, how memory works, what the “heap” and “stack” of a process are, what pointers are, what libc is, what linked lists are, how function calls are implemented at the machine level (including calls … Read more

[Solved] Getting a C++ program to write to a file [closed]

It sounds like you’re saying you’re printing numbers to stdout and they’re going off the screen. Since you’re using C++ you can replace cout in your output instructions with an ofstream (output file stream) like so: #include <fstream> // … ofstream outFile(“myNums.txt”); // … outFile << myNum; An easier way if you already have the … Read more

[Solved] Python returns “SyntaxError: invalid syntax sys module” [closed]

import pandas as pd sys.path.insert(0, “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages”) This line contains two statements. Split them into two lines: import pandas as pd sys.path.insert(0, “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages”) Or, if they must be in one line, separate them with semicolon (highly not recomended!!!): import pandas as pd; sys.path.insert(0, “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages”) 1 solved Python returns “SyntaxError: invalid syntax sys module” [closed]

[Solved] Executing several commands at once [closed]

You should show what you have written, or we have no way of knowing what might be a “better way” You should probably take a look at Parallel::ForkManager. Using that module your program could look something like this There’s a lot missing from this code, most importantly use strict and use warnings ‘all’, and the … Read more