[Solved] How I can Convert T-SQL to Linq C#

surecModel = Surecler.Select(s=> new { s.SurecId , s.Damga}) .Distinct() // .Join( db.WEB_SURECROL.DefaultIfEmpty(), SURECDAMGALAR => SURECDAMGALAR.SurecId, SURECROLLER => SURECROLLER.SurecID, (SURECDAMGALAR, SURECROLLER) => new { SURECDAMGALAR, SURECROLLER }) // .GroupJoin(Surecler.DefaultIfEmpty(), surecTanim => new { surecTanim.SURECDAMGALAR.Damga,surecTanim.SURECROLLER.RolId }, SUREC_LIST => new { SUREC_LIST.Damga,SUREC_LIST.RolId }, (surecTanim,SUREC_LIST) => new {surecTanim,SUREC_LIST } ) // .Select(x=> new { x.surecTanim.SURECROLLER.WEB_SURECTANIM.SurecAdi, x.surecTanim.SURECROLLER.WEB_SURECTANIM.SurecTip, x.SUREC_LIST.FirstOrDefault().Damga, x.SUREC_LIST.FirstOrDefault().OnayDurumu, x.surecTanim.SURECROLLER.WEB_ROL.RolAdi, … Read more

[Solved] Chain of responsibility – lambda function implementation [closed]

I have adapted the java example from the wikipedia article: In this example we have different roles, each having a fixed purchasing limit and a successor. Every time a user in a role receives a purchase request that exceeds his or her limit, the request is passed to his or her successor. A builder allow … Read more

[Solved] Lambda convert to LINQ

Lambda LINQ is still a link expression. However, the statement should look something like this: var train2 = (from c in db.sample1 join t in db.sample2 on c.CertificateId equals t.CertificateId where c.Year.Value.Year == year && c.TrainingTypeId.Value == trainingTypeId && c.IsApproved.Value && t.EndDate >= DateTime.Now select c).Distinct(); 8 solved Lambda convert to LINQ

[Solved] How do I sort a text file by three columns with a specific order to those columns in Python?

Your question is still ambiguous. Your example doesn’t have the first field Team_Name introduced in your header. So the index here is probably off by one, but I think you get the concept: #read lines of text file and split into words lines = [line.split() for line in open(“test.txt”, “r”)] #sort lines for different columns, … Read more

[Solved] Sort date using lambda expression [closed]

What you’re ordering by here is the distance between the pivot (the birthdate) and each date. Something like this: var sorted = data.OrderBy(date => (birthdate – date).TotalDays); will sort by distance, but put all the after dates first, because the TotalDays will be negative, then the before dates. To avoid that, we need to implement … Read more

[Solved] Using lambda function in python

int(x) yields your error, since you can not convert “A” into an integer Correct would be: a=”ABCD” b=map(lambda x:x,a) print(list(b)) As mentioned in the comments, the following gives the same result: print(list(a)) You should probably check out some more lambda tutorials first: http://www.secnetix.de/olli/Python/lambda_functions.hawk solved Using lambda function in python

[Solved] Sum of multiples of two numbers

Try this code: a = input(“enter first number\n”) b= input(“enter second number\n”) limit=[] limit.append(a) limit.append(b) natNo=range(1,1000) xyz = [] for i in limit: xyz +=filter(lambda x: x == i or x % i==0, natNo) set = {} map(set.__setitem__, xyz, []) nums=set.keys() print “the multiples of the given numbers are: “+str(nums) c=reduce(lambda x, y:x+y, nums) print … Read more

[Solved] Can someone explain what map and lambda does?

lambda -> created new function with parameters following it till : then follows function body map -> takes function and apply it to each element of collection and put returned value from such function into new collection Here you can read more on such a style of programming: https://docs.python.org/2.7/howto/functional.html 0 solved Can someone explain what … Read more

[Solved] Declaring lambda with int type not working [closed]

Can I make it work in my case somehow? Yes you can. You can either call it immediately after the definition: int median = [](std::vector<int> a) { std::sort(a.begin(), a.end()); return a[a.size() / 2]; }(v); //^^ –> invoke immediately with argument See for reference: How to immediately invoke a C++ lambda? or define the lambda and … Read more

[Solved] ValueError when defining a lambda function in python

You have a bunch of 1000 element arrays: In [8]: p.shape Out[8]: (1000,) In [9]: K.shape Out[9]: (1000,) In [10]: R.shape Out[10]: (1000,) In [11]: np.minimum.reduce([p, K, R]).shape Out[11]: (1000,) In [12]: Vl(p).shape Out[12]: (1000,) In [8]: p.shape Out[8]: (1000,) In [9]: K.shape Out[9]: (1000,) In [10]: R.shape Out[10]: (1000,) In [11]: np.minimum.reduce([p, K, R]).shape … Read more