[Solved] take elements of dictionary to create another dictionary

You could do this: a = {‘vladimirputin’: {‘milk’: 2.87, ‘parsley’: 1.33, ‘bread’: 0.66}, ‘barakobama’:{‘parsley’: 0.76, ‘sugar’: 1.98, ‘crisps’: 1.09, ‘potatoes’: 2.67, ‘cereal’: 9.21}} b = {} for prez in a: for food in a[prez]: if food not in b: b[food] = {prez: a[prez][food]} else: b[food][prez] = a[prez][food] This gives: {‘bread’: {‘vladimirputin’: 0.66}, ‘cereal’: {‘barakobama’: 9.21}, … Read more

[Solved] PHP – File to Associative Array with 1 key and two values attached

Try this // file path $file=”orderdata.txt”; // REMEMBER TO MENTION THE CORRECT FILE WITH EXTENSION // open the file and get the resource handle with errors suppressed $handle = @fopen($file,’r’); // DONT USE @ while at development since it will suppress errors // array to hold our values $params = array(); if($handle) { // if … Read more

[Solved] Why do keys() and items() methods return different Boolean values for same key? (Python 3.6) [closed]

items() contains tuples, key-value pairs: >>> spam.items() dict_items([(‘name’, ‘Zophie’), (‘age’, 7)]) Your key is not such a tuple. It may be contained in one of the tuples, but in does not test for containment recursively. Either test for the correct key-value tuple: >>> (‘name’, ‘Zophie’) in spam.items() True or if you can’t get access to … Read more

[Solved] React: Warning each child in a list should have a unique key [duplicate]

It’s definitely an array key issue, but it seems you have unique alt attributes in each data set (array). <StyledHorizontalScrollList columns={columns}> {tunesTeasers.map(teaser => teaser.noTonieboxes ? ( <List key={teaser.alt} onClick={toggleModal}> <TeaserCard alt={teaser.alt} src={teaser.src} /> </List> ) : ( <StyledLink key={teaser.alt} to={teaser.link}> <TeaserCard alt={teaser.alt} src={teaser.src} /> </StyledLink> )} </StyledHorizontalScrollList> solved React: Warning each child in a list … Read more

[Solved] add data into primary key [duplicate]

The old way of doing this is a multi-step process: add the column which will be the primary key update the column enforce the primary key. Something like this: create sequence t23_id; alter table t23 add id number; update t23 set id = t23_id.nextval ; alter table t23 add constraint t23_pk primary key (id); In … Read more

[Solved] WHAT is “IN” in DNS records? [closed]

A simple INternet search would have brought you to Wikipedia, where the following is stated on DNS Record Classes: The CLASS of a record is set to IN (for Internet) for common DNS records involving Internet hostnames, servers, or IP addresses. In addition, the classes Chaos (CH) and Hesiod (HS) exist.[34] Each class is an … Read more

[Solved] Add every 100 string keys from dictionary in array of strings with comma separator

You just need to group your array elements and use map to join your keys using joined(separator: “, “): extension Array { func group(of n: IndexDistance) -> Array<Array> { return stride(from: 0, to: count, by: n) .map { Array(self[$0..<Swift.min($0+n, count)]) } } } Testing: let dic = [“f”:1,”a”:1,”b”:1,”c”:1,”d”:1,”e”:1, “g”: 1] let arr = Array(dic.keys).group(of: 2).map{ … Read more