[Solved] New page for every user [closed]

You should use Sessions for each user and one the bases of Session value you must populate values for the user each user will have seperate details and each user will have different data page will be same but data will be different so user feels that he has a new page solved New page … Read more

[Solved] How can I assign numbers in Javascript? [closed]

I set up a jsfiddle for you. You can just plug in your logic to calculate the risk for the remaining fields and clean up the html. JavaScript var risk = { ‘none’: 0, ‘low’: 1, ‘high’: 2, ‘abnormal’: 3 }; var myRsk = 0; function getValue(name) { return document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value; } function calculateRisk() { age … Read more

[Solved] jQuery Functional Looping : Why does Shakira repeats the kisses as new person kissed her? [closed]

Your are binding $(“#innerClicker”) the event every clicked element $(document).ready(function () { var kisses = 0; $(“#main”).delegate(“.kisser”, “click”, function () { $(“#inner”).css(“display”, “block”); $(“#hint”).css(“display”, “none”); foo(); }); function foo() { kisses++; } $(“#innerClicker”).click(function () { if (kisses) { $(“.results”).html(“Kissed <h1>” + kisses + “</h1> times. <br />”); $(“#inner”).css(“display”, “none”); $(“#hint”).css(“display”, “block”); } }); }); UPDATED … Read more

[Solved] How does type coercion with “+string” work in Javascript? [duplicate]

As the ECMAScript spec describes in section 12.5.6: 12.5.6 Unary + Operator NOTE       The unary + operator converts its operand to Number type. So in JavaScript, the unary + operator (e.g., +x) will always convert the expression x into a number. In other words, the following statements are equivalent: var x = Number(‘1234’); var … Read more

[Solved] Transpose N rows to one column in Google Sheets – Script Editor

function rowstocolumn() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); const sh = ss.getSheetByName(‘Sheet2’); const osh = ss.getSheetByName(‘Sheet3’); const vs = sh.getRange(2,1,sh.getLastRow()-1,sh.getLastColumn()).getValues(); let col = []; vs.forEach(r => { r.forEach(c => col.push([c])) }); osh.clearContents(); osh.getRange(1,1,col.length,col[0].length).setValues(col); } 2 solved Transpose N rows to one column in Google Sheets – Script Editor

[Solved] Split a string between special characters [closed]

Use a regular expression with a capture group and RegEx.exec() to extract any substrings between three apostrophes. The pattern uses lazy matching (.*?) to match any sequence of characters (including none) between the apostrophes. const str = ” My random text ”’tag1”’ ”’tag2”’ “; re = /”'(.*?)”’/g; matches = []; while (match = re.exec(str)) { … Read more

[Solved] TypeError: array[i] is undefined

You are not allowed to put a PHP array directly to JavaScript. Please try to json_encode it: onclick=’mostrarModal(“.$idboton.”,”.json_encode($arraynombres).”);’ Regarding your JavaScript I would suggest to directly use eventos instead of copying the elements to array: for(var i =0; i < eventos.length;i++) { acumuladordenombres = acumuladordenombres +’ ‘+ eventos[i][0]; } solved TypeError: array[i] is undefined

[Solved] How to get number value of string value that is changing ; javascript [closed]

Firstly, make your object valid. Then just split on a comma to extract the desired values. let obj = { map: { geo: “20.471884,-157.5056”, p: “Hawaii” } }; const [lat, lng] = obj.map.geo.split(“,”); console.log(lat); console.log(lng); The name is obj not location because location is reserved. solved How to get number value of string value that … Read more

[Solved] How to get the text of an anchor tag selected by xPath() using selenium and Mocha

You can try this approach: driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//a[contains(@class, ‘user-name m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message’)]”)).getText().then(function(text){ console.log(“Username : ” + text); }); you only need to search via findElement (not findElements) and directly extract the text before the function part UPDATE: Sometimes the object is not really hidden, but also not in the viewport, then gettext() also returns an empty String. … Read more

[Solved] Express.js app entry point

It’s not clear from the code fragments in your question where the problem, because I think you’ve omitted the place where you import the auth.route.js module. The answer that follows assumes that you actually import auth.route.js in the index.js file, probably before importing middleware/auth (which isn’t actually used in the code fragment you posted). So, … Read more

[Solved] Node DOM manipulation on the page after a POST

I finally did this. You put both pages inside the one page. The two contents go to separate divs. Then you use something like this code: <script> document.querySelector(‘.div2’).style.display = “none”; document.querySelector(‘form’).addEventListener(“submit”, function(e){ document.querySelector(‘.div1’).style.display = “none”; document.querySelector(‘.div2’).style.display = “block”; }); </script> solved Node DOM manipulation on the page after a POST