[Solved] Loading of scripts

It is really up to you if you want to execute your function after load the whole page you can do it. if you use jquery u can create this block which will execute ur function just after your page load. $(document).ready(function(){ // code will goes here }); 1 solved Loading of scripts

[Solved] Split characters and numbers from a string to array Javascript [closed]

try this: const reg = /([0-9.]+)(?![0-9.])|([a-z]+)(?![a-z])/gi console.log(“30000kg , 400lbs”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30000”, “kg”, “400”, “lbs” ] console.log(“30,000kg , 400lbs”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30”, “000”, “kg”, “400”, “lbs” ] console.log(“30.000kg,400lbs”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30.000”, “kg”, “400”, “lbs” ] console.log(“30.000KG.400LBS”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30.000”, “KG”, “.400”, “LBS” ] alternatively, if you want to trim the ‘.’ … Read more

[Solved] Display alert if checkbox isn’t checked on button click [closed]

You need to capture the click event of your button and then check whether the checkbox is clicked or not. If not, you can send the alert and return false (be sure to do this otherwise the form will be submitted anyway). $(‘#reset’).click(function () { if (!$(‘#confirm’).is(‘:checked’)) { alert(‘not checked’); return false; } }); jsFiddle … Read more

[Solved] Passing an array from Java (JSP) to jQuery

Use a JSON library for Java. Then serialize your ArrayList to JSON: ArrayList wordslist = new ArrayList(); wordslist.add(“Hello”); wordslist.add(“again”); String json = (new JSONArray(wordslist)).toString(); Echo the JSON text at the appropriate place in your JavaScript code. E.g. $(document).ready(function(){ var arr = <%= json %>; $.each( arr, function(i, l){ alert( “Index #” + i + “: … Read more

[Solved] How to pass a value from javascript function? [duplicate]

To communicate between javascript (which runs on the client machine’s browser) and PHP (which runs on your server) you need to use ajax. Since you are already using jQuery, I suggest using their abstraction method $.ajax(). It would look something like this: // post value of #progressbar id to my php page $.ajax({ url: myPHPPage.php, … Read more

[Solved] jQuery – Passing only certain values into a running total

I presume your full code looks something like: $(‘#table1 .set2′).each(function (idx) { total += parseInt($(this).html(),10); }); What you’ll need to do is use the mod operator like so: $(‘#table1 .set2’).each(function (idx) { if ((idx + 1) % 5 === 0 && idx !== 19)) { total += parseInt($(this).html(),10); } }); Every 5th value apart from … Read more

[Solved] Why does “break;” not allow me to exit my loop like it should?

Put the break inside the loop var words = [ “javascript”, “monkey”, “amazing”, “pancake” ]; var word = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; var answerArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { answerArray[i] = “_”; } var remainingLetters = word.length; while (remainingLetters > 0) { alert(answerArray.join(” “)); var guess = prompt(“Guess a … Read more

[Solved] jQuery return all Array [closed]

You’re overwriting templateArray in each iteration. Try .map() instead of each(): var templateArray = $.map(Basepath.Templates, function(tpl, i){ return { title: tpl.Template.name, src: ‘view/’+tpl.Template.id, description: tpl.Template.name }; }); console.log(templateArray); // now is only one array, containing template objects; 3 solved jQuery return all Array [closed]