[Solved] How to combine two audio files on top of each other in android [closed]

You don’t need FFMPEG, you can use the standard codecs available in android. public void playFile(String fileToPlay) { // see where we find a suitable autiotrack MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor(); try { extractor.setDataSource(fileToPlay); } catch (IOException e) { out.release(); return; } extractor.selectTrack(0); String fileType=typeForFile(fileToPlay); if (fileType==null) { out.release(); extractor.release(); return; } MediaCodec codec = … Read more

[Solved] why do these sounds make a dog unhappy?

This question is not at the right place (and down-voted) but for your information you may take a look on Frequency Range of Dog Hearing where you can read that: Humans can hear sounds approximately within the frequencies of 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz […] The frequency range of dog hearing is approximately 40 Hz … Read more

[Solved] Jack as primary audio driver? [closed]

As you mentioned, the device number for your audio card will change between runs. You’ll definitely want to make sure to choose the correct device in QJackCtrl. aplay -l should list the available devices in a way that will let you handle them through script. To answer your second question, there are PulseAudio modules that … Read more

[Solved] Could I use C++ code with JAVA code? [closed]

It sounds like what you need is a way to call C++ code from inside a Java program. Refer to this tutorial http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/tutorials/j-jni/j-jni.html It explains how the Java Native Interface, part of the Java Software Development Kit, can be used to call C++ code from Java and Java code from C++ programs. solved Could I … Read more

[Solved] SoudPlayer plays the same file again and again [closed]

Inside the Setter for the SoundLocation property is an interesting check: set { if (value == null) { value = string.Empty; } if (!this.soundLocation.Equals(value)) { this.SetupSoundLocation(value); this.OnSoundLocationChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } You can see that it looks to see if the new location differs from the old one. If it does, then it does some setup work. … Read more

[Solved] What tools are available to build a custom media player? [closed]

Have you tried searching? Web: SoundJS supports Web Audio API / HTML5 audio / Flash. Howler.js supports Web Audio API / HTML5. MediaElement.js supports H.264 in mp4 over HTML5 with a Flash fallback. Standalone: libav FFmpeg to name a few. 3 solved What tools are available to build a custom media player? [closed]

[Solved] Is my program ready for FFT?

What does the data in my List is representing in its current form? In its current form, you are getting the raw byte sequence from the file, except from the header which you are removing explicitly. The mapping between raw bytes and the corresponding data sample value is in general non-trivial, and varies according to … Read more