[Solved] Why do I have to use getSupportActionBar() for activity that extends AppCompatActivity?

AppCompatActivity is activity for older version android up to latest version. so if your targer application is android 2.3 – 6.0 you must extend appcompactactivity rather than just plain activity. and method getActionBar is intended to use with activity. getSupportActionBar is intended to use with appCompactActivity What you import is a class from other project, … Read more

[Solved] Printing out box of Hashtags(#) surrounding text

You can use System.out.printf: Let’s consider String str = “012345678901234567890123456789012345678”; add spaces before the string: System.out.printf(“%56s”, str); Output: ############################################################ # # # 012345678901234567890123456789012345678 # # # ############################################################ add spaces after the string: System.out.printf(“%-56s”, str); Output: ############################################################ # # # 012345678901234567890123456789012345678 # # # ############################################################ To be sure that the string is not too long, you … Read more

[Solved] Given two strings S and T, return if they are equal when both are typed into empty text editors. # means a backspace character

The first mistake is pushing all the characters on the stack outside of the if statement. Also you should check if stack is empty before removing items from it. Otherwise EmptyStackException is thrown. // stack1.push(S.charAt(i)); <– remove this line if (S.charAt(i)!=’#’) { stack1.push(S.charAt(i)); }else if (!stack1.isEmpty()) { // <– add this check stack1.pop(); } The … Read more

[Solved] java static import

You mean why this : ClassB.getMethodX() is different from this? classbObject.getMethodX() If so, then the second is somehow wrong. I mean it still works, but it makes no sense. The method is declared as static, which “belongs” to the class. You have one static method for a class, not matter how many instances. So, every … Read more

[Solved] Is there any reason why declaring a variable default outside of a method would be better or worse than defining a default in a no-arg constructor [closed]

Is there any reason why declaring a variable default outside of a method would be better or worse than defining a default in a no-arg constructor [closed] solved Is there any reason why declaring a variable default outside of a method would be better or worse than defining a default in a no-arg constructor [closed]

[Solved] Changing a variable name [closed]

You can’t have dynamic variable names in Java. What you can do is use a Map, to associate a key (the player’s name, for example), with a value (the player’s password, for example): Map<String, String> passwordsByPlayer = new HashMap<>(); … passwordsByPlayer.put(playerName, passwordField.getText()); 2 solved Changing a variable name [closed]

[Solved] Java Eclipse – Select, enter integer and display string [closed]

//selectfruit 1 ,2,3? lets suppose int selectfruit = 3; if(selectfruit == 1) { System.out.println(“Apple”); } else if(selectfruit == 2){ System.out.println(“Banana”); } else if(selectfruit == 3) { System.out.println(“Orange”); } output will be Orange as you want. solved Java Eclipse – Select, enter integer and display string [closed]

[Solved] How to use System.out.format(); so that the answer can look like that? [closed]

You can get your expected out put using this code String[] B = {“2”, “14”, “5”, “12”, “10”}; String[] I = {“20”, “25”, “18”, “16”, “22”}; String[] N = {“42”, “32”, “FREE”, “31”, “39”}; String[] G = {“60”, “55”, “53”, “46”, “59”}; String[] O = {“64”, “70”, “67”, “75”, “71”}; String[][] test={B,I,N,G,O}; int n=0; System.out.println(“B … Read more