[Solved] The import android.app.Activity is never used and app stopped unexpectedly

You seem to have a conflict with the Android version. I couldn’t find the definitive reference but PhoneGap seems to require at least Android SDK version 7 (Android 2.1). Set the following in your manifest.xml: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”7″ android:targetSdkVersion=”17″/> You might also need to create a new emulator instance with a higher Android version. solved The … Read more

[Solved] How would I go about implementing this Java interface?

See “What is an Interface?” http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/concepts/interface.html This will hopefully get you started with the basics you’re looking for. The start of the implementation would look something like the following… class Politician implements Speaker { public void speak() { // Method implementation } public void announce (String str) { // Method implementation } } class Lecturer … Read more

[Solved] Having Trouble in a Java Assignment Finding the Maximum Value from a Loop [closed]

if(major.equals(“CIS”)) CIS_total=gpa+gpa; if(major.equals(“Math”)) Math_total=gpa+gpa; should be if(major.equals(“CIS”)) CIS_total += gpa; if(major.equals(“Math”)) Math_total += gpa; And don’t calculate the average in the loop. Do it after the loop. 3 solved Having Trouble in a Java Assignment Finding the Maximum Value from a Loop [closed]

[Solved] Why is the comma in two text fields put at the same time without focusing?

Why is the comma placed without focusing text fields? Because you are using the global keyPressed() event. This condition: if (e.getKey() == ‘,’) checks that the , key is pressed and it’s redundant to check twice in your case. It’s equivalent to this simpler/cleaner snippet: public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (key == ‘,’){ X9.setText(X9.getText() … Read more

[Solved] TextView isn’t updated with JSON Response

GetYouTubeUserCommentsTask task = new GetYouTubeUserCommentsTask(null, viewCount); // passing null. And you have public GetYouTubeUserCommentsTask(Handler replyTo, String username) { this.replyTo = replyTo; // replyTo is null this.username = username; } replyTo is null. You need to Initialize the handler replyTo 10 solved TextView isn’t updated with JSON Response

[Solved] compareTo method explain 1, -1, 0

By JavaDoc return from the method compareTo(obj) is: a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. This mean that if you invoke method on current object this.compareTo(obj) and by your own logic in method compareTo this object grater than obj that … Read more

[Solved] Could anyone help me to convert the below JSON to java object (List), without a java bean. Am new to JSON

I’m guessing you mean by not writing your own bean for GSON to deserialize to. GSON provides support by having certain JSON types that you can make use of: Gson gson = new Gson(); final JsonArray jsonElements = gson.fromJson(JSON, JsonArray.class); 0 solved Could anyone help me to convert the below JSON to java object (List), … Read more

[Solved] Connection of JSP with MySQL failed

Ok Here the Solution to connect MYSQL with JSP above given program. I asked about to my boss, he is a real expert… First open Netbeans Click on SERVICES then Right Click on the server like for me its “Apache Tomcat” then select Edit Server.XML Add below Line at line 39 i think between GlobalNamingResources … Read more

[Solved] Why is .contains returning false when I add a duplicate? [closed]

See the documentation of List#contains given below: Returns true if this list contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and only if this list contains at least one element e such that Objects.equals(o, e). Thus, you need to override equals method in class City. You can do it as follows: @Override public boolean … Read more

[Solved] Java/Android, Multiple Classes

You should have every activity in a separate file. If you have helper classes that that are only used in one activity you can use an inner class or put it below the other one (not public). Activities should be separate files. What you could do is put code that has to be in the … Read more

[Solved] Output contents of array in reverse in Java [closed]

I’m not completely sure what you are looking for. Could you specify a bit more? I’m completing your code to match the provided output anyway: import java.util.Scanner; public class Activity7 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println(“How many numbers?”); int quantityOfNumbers = keyboard.nextInt(); int[] numbers = new int[20]; //making … Read more