[Solved] The implements keyword in Java [closed]

Concrete class and abstract class can extend another concrete class or abstract class and can implement interface. Interface can only extend another interface, it cannot extend any class. So if you strictly refer to implements keyword, then only concrete classes and abstract classes can implement interfaces. The rest of cells should be False. 1 solved … Read more

[Solved] DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl”,”shaheena”,”shaheena”);error: cannot find symbol DriverManager, Statement st

DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl”,”shaheena”,”shaheena”);error: cannot find symbol DriverManager, Statement st solved DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl”,”shaheena”,”shaheena”);error: cannot find symbol DriverManager, Statement st

[Solved] unit testing for proprietary ide [closed]

Since IBS Integrator compiles to .class files, you should be able to write JUnit tests in Java against those classes, and run them however you’d normally run JUnit tests (kick off Ant or Maven, open Eclipse and run them from there, etc.). And I can’t think of any reason to use another technology (phpunit, rspec, … Read more

[Solved] Incrementing only the digits from an alphanumeric string

Extract the number from the string then increment it and put it back, e.g. using String.replaceXxx() and Integer.parseInt() etc. If you want to increment multiple independent numbers, try this: String input = “ABC999DEF999XYZ”; //find numbers Pattern p = Pattern.compile( “[0-9]+” ); Matcher m = p.matcher( input ); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //loop through all … Read more

[Solved] How to convert a String to a float array?

First you split the string into an array: String str = “1.2, 3.1, 5.3, 4.5”; String[] arrOfStr = str.split(“,”); Then you loop through the array and convert to floats: import java.util.ArrayList; ArrayList <Double> volts = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrOfStr.length; i++) { volts.add(Double.parseDouble(arrOfStr[i])); } System.out.println(volts); 4 solved How to convert … Read more

[Solved] android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near “)”: syntax error (code 1): [closed]

change your query to this , you’re missing some spaces and also you must remove the last comma from the query @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { String query = “CREATE TABLE ” + TABLE_PRODUCTS + “(” + COLUMN_ID + ” INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ” + COLUMN_PRODUCTNAME + ” TEXT, ” + COLUMN_VENUE + … Read more

[Solved] App crashes when registration button is pressed

email and password should not be null or empty String email = mEmail.getText().toString(); String password = mPassword.getText().toString(); if(email.isEmpty() || password.isEmpty()) return; //you need to display message to the user mAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) .addOnCompleteListener(CustomerLoginActivity.this, new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() { … }) solved App crashes when registration button is pressed

[Solved] Rearranging an inputted string [closed]

You can parse the input string and split it about the comma , example:- String s1=”Casey Carter, Cartwright, [email protected]”; String[] arr=s1.split(“,”); // you will get each individual input terms i.e first name , lastname, email in string array Then you can build a string using it:- String s2=arr[1]+”,”+arr[0]; Note that this will build string Cartwright, … Read more

[Solved] RAM Utilization [closed]

My question is why it is consuming that much of RAM. Can anyone help me to get it on this. Whenever you read a file, it goes into the disk cache, it stays there until you delete the file or memory pressure causes it to be evicted. This means that once your machine has read … Read more

[Solved] Java new date() with milliseconds

You should do: sdfDate.format(data); This is the correct way to use your dateformatter to format a given date. Ex. System.out.println(“Date: ” + sdfDate.format(data)); 4 solved Java new date() with milliseconds