[Solved] Check for improper angle bracket usage (not in tags) in inline Javadoc in IntelliJ IDEA

According to Serge Baranov from JetBrain’s support team:

It’s a known limitation, please vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/v2/issue/IDEA-165488.

The issue’s description reads as expected:

Idea’s ‘HTML problems in Javadoc (DocLint)’ does not report any
problems in the following javadoc:

 * a < b > c
void test();

However, javadoc generation will fail in this case:

Test.java:5: error: malformed HTML
     * a < b > c
Test.java:5: error: bad use of '>'
     * a < b > c

Usually this problem is noticed only at the javadoc generation phase
of Maven build process and that’s rather inconvenient.

Also, it would be great to have an intention to escape such symbols in
javadoc as &gt / &lt.

However, as of this posting, the bug has no special priority, spent time, or verification (though it has been triaged.) Developer/SO user Roman Shevchenko appears to be assigned to the issue. I wouldn’t expect a fix any time particularly soon, given this isn’t exactly a huge issue.

solved Check for improper angle bracket usage (not in tags) in inline Javadoc in IntelliJ IDEA