[Solved] Re-formatting user input with spaces
Just use replace: >>> text = raw_input(‘Enter text: ‘) Enter text: iphone 7 black >>> text.replace(‘ ‘, ‘+’) ‘iphone+7+black’ 2 solved Re-formatting user input with spaces
Just use replace: >>> text = raw_input(‘Enter text: ‘) Enter text: iphone 7 black >>> text.replace(‘ ‘, ‘+’) ‘iphone+7+black’ 2 solved Re-formatting user input with spaces
You can’t do query = input like that. It has to be query = input(“Please select…”). It should match guess = input(“Password: “) above. 1 solved Inputs not triggering if statments in python [closed]
You can solve this by reading a string first, and then extracting any number: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int length = 0; char input[100]; while(length <= 0) { printf(“Enter length: “); fflush(stdout); if(fgets(input, sizeof input, stdin) != NULL) { if(sscanf(input, “%d”, &length) != 1) { length = 0; } } } printf(“length = %d\n”, … Read more
There are a decent amount of ways to accomplish what you are asking, but here is one way to read a file into a program and split each line by specific delimiters into a list, while still keeping the delimiters in the sentence. All of the functionality for turning a file to a list based … Read more
Both are same. fail is a typical function where is ‘!’ is an overloaded operator. You may want to check reference http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ios/ios/fail/ before posting. 1 solved What’s the difference between cin.fail() and !cin in C++?
Android edittext.getText().toString() is always empty.. Because you assigning it as empty. public String Setphase2(Button r,Button l,TextView t,EditText i) { i.setText(“”); // See this line************** r.setText(R.string.upload); l.setText(R.string.edit); t.setText(R.string.key_task); String inputText = i.getText().toString(); Log.d(“UserText”, “Entry text is:” + inputText); i.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD); return inputText; } Remove the following line in the above method. i.setText(“”); 1 solved edittext.getText().getString() is always … Read more
You can do like this: a, b, c, d, e = input(“Insert the 5 values: “).split() print(f”a: {a}\nb: {b}\nc: {c}\nd: {d}\ne: {e}”) Input: 1 2 3 4 5 Output: a: 1 b: 2 c: 3 d: 4 e: 5 1 solved How can I input multiple values in one line? [duplicate]
This should help you: lst = [‘apple’,’banana’,’cherry’] strings = input().split(‘,’) for x in strings: lst.remove(x) print(lst) Output: >>> apple,banana [‘cherry’] solved How to remove multiple input items from a list [closed]
This code shows how you can accomplish what you seek. As others have mentioned, it’s not exactly the most secure / efficient way to do this, especially if you’re dealing with real money, but all you have to do to get this to work is add jquery to your html file with <script src=”http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js”></script> $(‘#myPRODUVTS’).on(‘change’, … Read more
Use jQuery to append the text at the end, and then move the caret to the desired position: $(‘#title’).on(‘keyup’, function(e) { // Ignore if backspace is pressed if(e.keyCode == 46){ return false; } // Set the value based on the current value length // If it’s longer than 3, “day” is already appended this.value = … Read more
Is that what you want? INPUT_COUNT = 8 FIRST_INPUTS = [] SECOND_INPUTS = [] for _ in range(INPUT_COUNT): result = input().split() try: FIRST_INPUTS.append(float(result[0])) SECOND_INPUTS.append(float(result[1])) except IndexError: pass solved Extracting user input in 2 different arrays
This should work fine, but you may have re-defined input somewhere in your code, or your notebook is bugged. Try the following: x = input(“Enter text: “) a = list(x) 1 solved How can I get the “keyboard input” in IBM Watson studio?
This code returns ordered names of all men in collection: public static IEnumerable<string> OrderedMales(IEnumerable<Person> persons) { return persons.Where(p => p.Sex == Gender.Male).OrderBy(p => p.Name).Select(p => p.Name); } 0 solved How do I import data from a class C#
you just need use property binding to pass the data to child component settings component template <app-user-profile [data]=”userSettings”></app-user-profile> userProfile.ts @Input() data:any; now the value from the userSettings will pass to the data property. 15 solved Transfer data between angular components using @input and @output [duplicate]
Input type = text is referenced as an HTMLControl: using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; You can refer to the control using this syntax: string str10 = ((HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl(“txtYourTextBoxName”)).Value; solved Input type text declaration in code behind, c#