[Solved] Java – for loops being skipped

yes, your for loops ARE being skipped, since the second part of the for statement is not the break condition but the condition that has to be fullfilled for the loop to run. So it is NOT for(a = 0; a == 15; a += 3) but for(a = 0; a <= 15; a += … Read more

[Solved] Python: How to store for loop result in a list? [duplicate]

Well the loop seems to be this one (at the end of the code): for i,j in itertools.combinations([a,b,c],2): all_diffs=alldiffs(i,j) total=count_total(i,j) zero=count_zero(all_diffs) total=np.array(total) union=map(sub,total,zero) zero=np.array(zero).tolist() union=np.array(union).tolist() union=[list(x) for x in union] sim=[[float(aaa) / bbb for (aaa, bbb) in itertools.izip(aa, bb)] \ for (aa, bb) in itertools.izip(zero, union)] sim_comb=sum(sim,[]) sum_of_sim=sum(sim_comb) number_sum=len(sim_comb) ave=sum_of_sim/number_sum one_ave=1-ave print one_ave One possible … Read more

[Solved] how to search for the value with a certain index in an array and modify its value?

For a oneliner, you could use map from Array.prototype: secondArray = secondArray.map((element, index) => firstArray.includes(index) ? “blank” : element ) Please note the map function returns a new array, instead of modifying the original one. Edit: removed redundant return and curly-braces around the arrow function body 1 solved how to search for the value with … Read more

[Solved] C++ homework (while loop termination)

Instead of reading val1 and val2 directly from stdin, read a line of text. If the line does not start with |, extract the numbers from the line using sscanf or istringstream. If the line starts with |, break out of the while loop. #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int LINE_SIZE = … Read more

[Solved] How to limit items from for loop?

Dont know what you mean there. But here is what I understand from your question <?php for ($i=0; $i< count($contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”]); $i++ ) { if(($i+1)<=10){//limit your item by 10 echo'<li class=”up”><a href=”‘ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“artist_name”].'”><strong>’ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“song_name”].'</strong></a><br /><a href=”‘ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“artist_name”].'”>’ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“artist_name”].'</a></li>’; } } ?> 6 solved How to limit items from for loop?