[Solved] Select from one table different values and limit them

Since you want to get 80 rows for both text and NO text, you can use UNION ALL. You can also order your data as per your requirement: (SELECT first_column, last_column FROM MyTable WHERE last_column = ‘text’ ORDER BY first_column LIMIT 80) UNION ALL (SELECT first_column, last_column FROM MyTable WHERE last_column = ‘NO text’ ORDER … Read more

[Solved] How to limit items from for loop?

Dont know what you mean there. But here is what I understand from your question <?php for ($i=0; $i< count($contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”]); $i++ ) { if(($i+1)<=10){//limit your item by 10 echo'<li class=”up”><a href=”‘ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“artist_name”].'”><strong>’ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“song_name”].'</strong></a><br /><a href=”‘ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“artist_name”].'”>’ .$contentdinamit[“chart”][“songs”][“song”][“$i”][“artist_name”].'</a></li>’; } } ?> 6 solved How to limit items from for loop?

[Solved] What does the Bigquery error “Your project exceeded quota for free storage for projects” mean?

The message is clear — you’re approaching the limits of the free quota, likely because you are working in the bigquery sandbox without a billing account configured. Thus, you are subject to the free tier limits, in particular, 10 GB of active storage and 1TB of processing for queries. Google has a guide for upgrading … Read more

[Solved] Does Java ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextGaussian() have a limit?

nextGaussian() can return any value that can represented by a double data type. Gaussian distribution approaches but never reaches 0 on either side. So it’s theoretically possible to get a value of Double.MAX_VALUE, but very unlikely. Gaussian distribution looks like this: (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Math/gaufcn.html) The distribution stretches to positive and negative infinity, so there is theoretically no … Read more

[Solved] R script : add a padding to the ymax of the plot with ggplot2

No code to generate your sample data was provided, so I used the code @akrun had used previously: y3 <- matrix(rnorm(5000), ncol = 5) library(tidyverse) as.data.frame(y3) %>% mutate(row = row_number()) %>% # add row to simplify next step pivot_longer(-row) %>% # reshape long ggplot(aes(value, color = name)) + # map x to value, color to … Read more