[Solved] enhanced for loop (java) [duplicate]

You can do it using syntax like the following: for (String s: cdSporNavn){ if(s.indexOf(“java”) != -1){ System.out.println(s); } } See Using Enhanced For-Loops with Your Classes for further information and examples. 0 solved enhanced for loop (java) [duplicate]

[Solved] The for loop doesn’t loop even when the answer is not right [closed]

The for loop actually does loop, it just does do anything unless the answer is correct. you want: while enter!=”off”: if enter == “1”: prefer= input(“enter your preference”) if prefer ==”sports”: print(“Hardcore Sports Podcast”) enter = input(‘Enter 1 – recommendation, 2 – draw, off – exit’) else: print(“Kanye West’s new album”) enter = input(‘Enter 1 … Read more

[Solved] For Loop with averaging

function myFunction() { var sum = 0; // should be initialized to 0 not “” for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var mark = prompt(“Enter your mark: “); sum += Number(mark); // sum the marks (convert mark to number because prompt return a string) } var avg = sum / 5; … Read more

[Solved] Difference between i++ and i– [closed]

This is an excellent interview question because any answer you give is likely to be wrong and more importantly be something you never previously thought seriously about. The whole point is to throw you off your game. They want to see how you react when you’re pushed into an area that you feel like you … Read more

[Solved] JavaScript loop through two arrays

Do you want something like this? const biscuitsPerCat = (cats, biscuits) => { const share = Math.floor(biscuits / cats.length) const cutoff = biscuits – cats.length * share return cats.reduce((res, cat, idx) => ({…res, [cat]: idx < cutoff ? share + 1 : share}), {}) } console.log(biscuitsPerCat([“Andy”, “Bandy”, “Candy”, “Dandy”], 14)) … which you could then … Read more

[Solved] Create a js object from the output of a for loop

A simple Array.prototype.reduce with Object.assign will do // objectMap reusable utility function objectMap(f,a) { return Object.keys(a).reduce(function(b,k) { return Object.assign(b, { [k]: f(a[k]) }) }, {}) } var arr = { “a”: “Some strings of text”, “b”: “to be encoded”, “c”: “& converted back to a json file”, “d”: “once they’re encoded” } var encodedValues = … Read more