[Solved] Big double number up to two decimal places [closed]

The number is being rounded up correctly The scientific notation 1.13452289575668E8 means 1.3 x 108 which is 113452289.5756680071353912353515625 double d = 1.13452289575668E8; System.out.println(new BigDecimal(d)); gives 113452289.5756680071353912353515625 round to 2 decimal places is 113452289.58 2 solved Big double number up to two decimal places [closed]

[Solved] Parsing all the doubles from a string C# [closed]

If your data actually looks like this: var data = new { Desc = “Marketcap”, Val = @”1,270.10 BTC 706,709.04 USD 508,040.00 EUR 4,381,184.55 CNY 425,238.14 GBP 627,638.19 CHF 785,601.09 CAD 72,442,058.40 JPY 787,357.97 AUD 7,732,676.06 ZAR”, }; (Because what you have in your question is unclear.) Then you could do this: var query = … Read more

[Solved] Converting decimal percentage to int

I feel bad writing this answer, but hopefully this will prevent all other answers and close the ticket. private static int ToPercentage(double d) { return (int)(d*100); } EDIT: Thanks Devid for the suggestion 🙂 TIL how to make an answer a community wiki post! 2 solved Converting decimal percentage to int

[Solved] Why is this code giving me a strange output

This is not because of the complier. It is happening because you are doing i /= 10; //slice end So when you do 13.4 after the first run it wont give you 1.34 it will give you something like 1.339999999999999999 which is 1.34. Check Retain precision with double in Java for more details. If you … Read more

[Solved] How can I format this String with double x,y,total to two decimal places. output = (x + ” + ” + y + ” = ” + total);

Introduction This article will provide a solution to formatting a String with double x, y, and total to two decimal places. The output of the String should be in the form of (x + ” + ” + y + ” = ” + total). We will use the DecimalFormat class to achieve this. Solution … Read more

[Solved] How can I format this String with double x,y,total to two decimal places. output = (x + ” + ” + y + ” = ” + total);

String ouput = String.format(“%.2f + %.2f = %.2f”,x,y,total); System.out.println(output); will give you the output with 2 decimal places or you can use DecimalFormat as well. 0 solved How can I format this String with double x,y,total to two decimal places. output = (x + ” + ” + y + ” = ” + total);

[Solved] C/C++ divisions with double and following shift operation

A very small rounding difference, within the range possible for the difference between 64 and 80 bits, could account for the different output. The combination of the truncate to int and shift can magnify a tiny difference. This program: #include <stdio.h> int main(){ double zaehler = -20; double teiler = 0.08; printf(“ergebnis = %d \n”, … Read more

[Solved] Converting String to Double in Java [closed]

GPA = Double.parseDouble(df.format (((double)qualityPoints) /(double)(sumOfHours))); int qualityPoints = 0; int sumOfHours = 0; double GPA = 0; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(“0.00”); GPA = Double.parseDouble(df.format (((double)qualityPoints) /(double)(sumOfHours))); No compilation error for this. 8 solved Converting String to Double in Java [closed]

[Solved] Convert string into float in C++ with full Significant figures [Fixed working in Dev C++]

If you want to control the precision then include #include <iomanip> and use std::cout << std::setprecision(17); to set the number of digits you want. Also float has 6 significant bits precision whereas double has 12. So whenever your string has more than 6 digits in decimal there is a possibility of loosing the precision. 7 … Read more