[Solved] Find the Min and Max date from two tables from a sql select statement

I suspect you are trying to achieve this by using one a single join between the tables – whereas what you actually need is two separate joins: SELECT table1.module as mod_code, table1.season as psl_code, table2.Sdate as ypd_sdate, table3.Edate as ypd_edate FROM t1 as table1 JOIN t2 as table2 ON table2.yr = table1.year AND table2.season = … Read more

[Solved] Android Frebase User Data Retrieve [closed]

In your Database Reference make sure you are having the correct path to the data your are retrieving, like DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child(“your/path/to/data”); ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { //making sure snapshot consists some data if (dataSnapshot.exists()) { //do your stuff User userDashboard = dataSnapshot.getValue(User.class); USERNAME.setText(userDashboard.getName().toString().trim()); PASSWORD.setText(userDashboard.getPassword().toString().trim()); EMAIL.setText(userDashboard.getEmail().toString().trim()); } } @Override … Read more

[Solved] Why my Firebase Realtime Database is only saving 1 user [closed]

Firebase allows to store information of multiple users in firebase realtime database but only as authenticated users. I think you have not signout from your first user. That is why, its saving only one user. Have you created a signout button and have you done something like this : FirebaseAuth mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance(); mAuth.signOut(); 9 … Read more

[Solved] Notice: Undifined variable: [value] [duplicate]

You do not check if the following variables are set before you assign them. $_POST[‘naam’] $_POST[‘wacht’] As you did with $_POST[‘login’] you can use isset to check they exist before assignment. if (isset($_POST[‘naam’] && isset($_POST[‘wacht’]) { // Do something… } In addition to this in the query you are using the variables $gebruikersnaam and $wachtwoord … Read more

[Solved] Notice: Undifined variable: [value] [duplicate]

Introduction This question is related to a common issue encountered when programming in PHP. The error message “Notice: Undefined variable: [value]” indicates that a variable has been used in the code without being declared or assigned a value. This can lead to unexpected results and can be difficult to debug. In this post, we will … Read more

[Solved] How to make a link this is connected to database in php

I agree with Marcosh (in the comments), so that would give you this code (between the if(…) { and } else): echo “<table><tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Phone Number</th><th>Country</th><th>Email</th><th>Send SMS</th><th>Link to page</th></tr>”; // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo “<tr><td>” . $row[“id”]. “</td><td>” . $row[“firstname”]. ” ” . $row[“lastname”].”</td><td>” . $row[“phonenumber”]. “</td><td>” . $row[“city”]. ” “. … Read more

[Solved] Can a java program be the mediator between webpage javascript and a Database? [closed]

Yes, you can use server-side Java code as a mediator. Use JavaScript to POST data to an HttpServlet, via JavaScript’s XMLHttpRequest object. Then handle the data in your servlet. Once you’ve done your DB business, you can send a “All done!” response back, to be handled by your JS. I suggest reading up on the … Read more

[Solved] Null result for date object fetched from DB giving sysDate/current date on mapping to Java object

Found the reason. When the BeanPropertyRowMapper was provided with Date.class for mapping, new Date() is called for instantiation of the class like for any object. But for Date.class, new Date() returns sysDate. solved Null result for date object fetched from DB giving sysDate/current date on mapping to Java object

[Solved] How to save form data in database when submit button is clicked? [closed]

EditText fd1 = (EditText)findviewById(R.id.fd1); EditText fd2 = (EditText)findviewById(R.id.fd2); EditText fd3 = (EditText)findviewById(R.id.fd3); submitbtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { String field1 = fd1.getText.toString(); String field2 = fd2.getText.toString(); String field3 = fd3.getText.toString(); dh.insert_values(field1, field2, field3); } }); On submit insert values into the database as like this.. and in your datahelper class public long insert_values(String … Read more

[Solved] Connection of JSP with MySQL failed

Ok Here the Solution to connect MYSQL with JSP above given program. I asked about to my boss, he is a real expert… First open Netbeans Click on SERVICES then Right Click on the server like for me its “Apache Tomcat” then select Edit Server.XML Add below Line at line 39 i think between GlobalNamingResources … Read more

[Solved] How to generate pdf with defined forms in php?

You are loading the contents of a static HTML file so you could put place holders within the html… <h1>%title_placeholder%</h1> and then use file get_contents $html = file_get_contents(“my_file.html”); and replace the placeholders with your form data $html = str_replace(“%title_placeholder%”, $_POST[‘title’], $html); then write your new string to mPDF solved How to generate pdf with defined … Read more

[Solved] Creating a database table (MySQL)

You should take a look at the mysql manual to learn about creating databases/tables: Create Table Syntax there are also examples of how to create tables. Edit: you can do either: INSERT INTO recipe (name, category) VALUES (‘Recipename’, ‘Categoryname’); since you only specify the columns where you want to add data or INSERT INTO recipe … Read more