[Solved] Need Help,There’s no error but can’t go to another form for this multi user form code(c#) [closed]

The Error is because you haven’t open the connection before using it. First open the connection with the line “myCon.Open();” before using it in SqlDataAdapter and then use the ‘=’ operator in the select query of the where clause. you have missed that too in your query. Your code should be private void trydb() { … Read more

[Solved] Site’s gone down…cant figure it out :/

Pretty sure something is wrong with your WordPress core files. Try re-installing the WordPress. Here’s how you can do it without losing your existing site data. Keep the wp-content folder and wp-config.php file in a safe place. And delete everything else from your wordpress installation directory. Download WordPress From https://wordpress.org/download/ Extract all files. And Replace … Read more

[Solved] Mysql and php w/ html database issue

Please try this: $result = mysqli_query($con,”SELECT * FROM lista”);; ?> <html> <table border=”1″> <?php if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $row[‘nazwiskoimie’]?></td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </table> </html> 3 solved Mysql and php w/ html database issue

[Solved] Does every user of a website share the same variable or are they unique to each (even though they’re named the same)

To answer your main question, each request will run in it’s own encapsulated session. The variables set in one session will have no bearing on any other sessions. To answer your secondary question, yes this is probably bad code design. Without seeing exactly what you’re doing, it’s likely you should have different endpoints for your … Read more

[Solved] SQL Selecting from three tables

Q1) Display the employee_name, Project_IDs and staff cost for all employees Should be like this: SELECT e.Emp_name, pa.PROJECT_ID, pa.STAFF_COST FROM Emlpoyee e JOIN Pallocation pa ON e.Emp_id = pa.Emp_id 4 solved SQL Selecting from three tables

[Solved] Time precision issue on comparison in mongodb driver in Go and possibly in other language and other database

Times in BSON are represented as UTC milliseconds since the Unix epoch (spec). Time values in Go have nanosecond precision. To round trip time.Time values through BSON marshalling, use times truncated to milliseconds since the Unix epoch: func truncate(t time.Time) time.Time { return time.Unix(0, t.UnixNano()/1e6*1e6) } … u := user{ Username: “test_bson_username”, Password: “1234”, UserAccessibility: … Read more

[Solved] MySQL Error Files [closed]

The user that runs the MySQL daemon doesn’t have permission to write to your database directory. If you’re using a standard installation with default settings, the following command should fix that (edited to add sudo based on your edited output: if you can run as root, leave off the sudo): sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql … Read more

[Solved] Java – log in, store users in database

I think you’re looking for something like spring-security or app server proprietary ways of authenticating users stored in a database (like Tomcat’s JDBCRealm). But frankly, if you know nothing about spring-security or even spring, and want to avoid proprietary solutions, writing your own servlet filter which goes to the database is quite an easy solution. … Read more