[Solved] Java, Get the screen and click on thing [closed]

  1. If you want to “learn Java”, you should try it with something more doable. Try implementing Conway’s Game of Life for instance. You could start by showing the results in ASCII-Art or directly show it in a JFrame (for instance by extending JLabel to draw grids from a mask). You could then improve your application by adding the possibility to load/save populations, configure the world setup (maybe even the rules). Then try to support one of the common file formats to load in cool structures from one of the many online databases. 🙂
  2. Why would you create a bot for that game? I guess the business terms on that site state clearly that this is not allowed.
  3. If you really want to interact with a flash game, I guess you should try to load the flashgame within a Java application. Then you would have more control over it.

Summary: Don’t! 😉 Try to find another task to solve.

solved Java, Get the screen and click on thing [closed]