[Solved] Is it possible to make conditions in ASCII? [closed]

No. ASCII is a way to encode text in bytes. It is not a programming language. It has no means of expressing logic. Just about every programming language can be expressed in ASCII and can manipulate ASCII encoded data, so you can pick any programming language you like and write your logic in that. 4 … Read more

[Solved] I want to remove repetative elements of an array without using any in-built methods of javascript. When remove a then with a, A also to be removed

I want to remove repetative elements of an array without using any in-built methods of javascript. When remove a then with a, A also to be removed solved I want to remove repetative elements of an array without using any in-built methods of javascript. When remove a then with a, A also to be removed

[Solved] Understanding an exercise in K&R [closed]

The while loop continues to execute as long as it gets a character from stdin that is not EOF: while((c = getchar()) != EOF) Two char variables are declared: c and lastc. For this logic to work, the current character and the previous character must be known. Initially, lastc does not have a value, but … Read more

[Solved] ASCII to Base32

The value in txtbox.Text is a string which can’t be automatically converted to a byte array. So the line Dim DataToEncode As Byte() = txtbox.Text can’t be compiled. To get the ASCII representation of a string use the System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes() method. Dim DataToEncode As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(txtbox.Text) Also strings in VB.Net do not store ASCII values, … Read more

[Solved] Auto-generate a list of words in C#, and save as File [closed]

The solution I came up with is as follows: public void AppendFile(string filePath, long firstWord, long lastWord) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(filePath)) { for (long i = firstWord; i < lastWord; i++) { sw.WriteLine(GetWord(i)); } } } public void AppendFile(string filePath, long lastWord) { AppendFile(filePath, 0, lastWord); } public void AppendFile(string filePath) { AppendFile(filePath, … Read more

[Solved] ASCII to binary conversion?

È is not an ASCII character. Let’s assume the file is actually encoded using cp1252[1]. È encoded using cp1252 is C8 (hex). If you interpret C8 as an unsigned 8-bit integer, it’s 200. If you interpret C8 as a signed 8-bit integer, it’s -56. If you interpret C8 as a signed 8-bit integer, then extend … Read more

[Solved] Removing ASCII characters in a string with encoding

I gave a unsatisfying answer, thanks to @OlegEstekhin for pointing that out. As noone else answered yet, and a solution is not a two-liner, here it goes. Make a wrapping InputStream that throws away escape sequences. I have used a PushbackInputStream, where a partial sequence skipped, may still be pushed back for reading first. Here … Read more

[Solved] Encoding.GetEncoding(“Cyrillic”) making all text question marks in .NET

The text was in some sort of Unicode encoding and why it was acting differently then before with ASCII encoded text. So I did this below before the GetEncoding and it works now. if(!txt.IsNormalized(NormalizationForm.FormKD)) { txt= txt.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormKD); } solved Encoding.GetEncoding(“Cyrillic”) making all text question marks in .NET

[Solved] Which ascii code is this symbol? [closed]

In VBA, there is the AscW function that returns the Unicode code point for the first letter of a string as a decimal number. Use the following code snippet as an example: Sub mycode() MsgBox “female symbol code = ” & CStr(AscW(Cells(1, 1).Text)) & “, male symbol code = ” & CStr(AscW(Cells(2, 1).Text)) End Sub … Read more