[Solved] change num key to string key [PHP]

I do not exactly understand your problem ,if you want to make a table of login, you can proceed as well : $login[‘login’]=array(‘anneville’, ‘cjaouen’, ‘ebaltarejo’,’etc..’ ) ; or $login=array( ‘login’ =>array ( ‘log1’ => ‘anneville’, ‘log2’ => ‘cjaouen’, ‘log3’ => ‘ebaltarejo’, ‘logx’ => ‘etc..’ ) ); 0 solved change num key to string key [PHP]

[Solved] How to group Arrays [duplicate]

You can extend Collection, constrain its Element to Equatable protocol and create a computed property to return the grouped elements using reduce(into:) method. You just need to check if there is a last element on the last collection equal to the current element and append the current element to the last collection if true otherwise … Read more

[Solved] I’m trying to make a method that counts the total number of words in an array without the spaces [closed]

Introduction This post provides a solution to the problem of counting the total number of words in an array without the spaces. The solution involves using a combination of the .split() and .length methods to achieve the desired result. The post will explain the steps involved in the process and provide a working example of … Read more

[Solved] Sort Arrays By Their Length

var a = [“a”, “a”]; b = [“b”, “b”, “b”, “b”], c = [“c”, “c”, “c”], d = [“d”], container = [a, b, c, d]; ​container.sort(function (a, b) { return b.length – a.length; }); console.log(container); container will be sorted from longest (most elements) to shortest (least number of elements). Access it as: container[0] // longest … Read more

[Solved] Print array values

if you want to sort according to values in desc order $finalprint[] = “XYZ”; $finalprint[] = “ABC”; $finalprint[] = “MNO”; rsort($finalprint); foreach ($finalprint as $val) { echo $val.” ” ; } o/p XYZ MNO ABC if you want to sort according to keys in desc order krsort($finalprint); foreach ($finalprint as $val) { echo $val.” ” ; } … Read more

[Solved] Appending semicolon to each item in array and comma to set of array objects, to form a string

I solved the problem. Code: public static void main(String[] args) { String jsonArray = “{\”payments\”:[{\”a\”:\”11\”,\”b\”:\”21\”,\”c\”:\”34\”,\”d\”:\”0\”},{\”a\”:\”54\”,\”b\”:\”66\”,\”c\”:\”21\”,\”d\”:\”76\”},{\”a\”:\”34\”,\”b\”:\”23\”,\”c\”:\”43\”,\”d\”:\”88\”}]}”; JsonObject jsonObject2 = new Gson().fromJson(jsonArray, JsonObject.class); JsonObject innerObj = new JsonObject(); StringBuilder joinBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, String> testMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); JsonArray paymentsArray = jsonObject2.getAsJsonArray(“payments”); for (JsonElement jsonElement : paymentsArray) { Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> elemEntry = ((JsonObject) jsonElement).entrySet(); Iterator<Entry<String, … Read more

[Solved] filter array of json in swift

Considering this is your JSON var myJSON = “”” [{ “status” : “true”, “score” : “3”, “correct” : “3”, “chapter” : “34”, “answer” : “342432”, “solutionText” : “abcd” }, { “status” : “true”, “score” : “0”, “correct” : “2”, “chapter” : “35”, “answer” : “35854”, “solutionText” : “abc” }] “”” Simply create a Decodable struct … Read more