[Solved] PHP words array count

Take a look at array_count_values and arsort. <?php $myarray = array(“Human”,”Angel”,”God”,”Angel”,”Devil”,”God”,”God”,”Human”,”God”,”Angel”); $result = array_count_values($myarray); arsort($result); foreach($result as $word => $count) { echo $word.” was found “.$count.” time(s)<br/>”; } ?> solved PHP words array count

[Solved] How to define my variable structure?

Notice that the object presented by @juvian does not have a defined ordering of the keys (in contrast to PHP associative arrays, for example). I guess you want an ordered collection, for which you have to use an array: var collection = [ {‘title’: ‘1’, ‘subtitle’:’sub1′, ‘contents’:’sub content 1′}, {‘title’: ‘2’, ‘subtitle’:’sub2′, ‘contents’:’sub content 2′}, … Read more

[Solved] What value is stored in an initialized but empty integer array in Java [closed]

If it is an Array of objects it will be initialized with null, if it’s an array of primitive values (like int) it will be initialized with 0. For the non-number primitive boolean it is false and for ‘char’ it is ‘\u0000’. For more information, check the table Default Values on the following page: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html … Read more

[Solved] Counting changes in a nested array

result = input.map do |k, t| [k, DateTime.parse(t)] end.each_with_object(prev: nil, count: 0) do |(k, t), acc| case k # keep the time of the previous occurrence of “red” when “red” then acc[:prev] = t when “green” # seconds acc[:count] += 1 if 24.0 * 60 * 60 * (t – acc[:prev]) < 10 acc[:prev] = … Read more

[Solved] remove subarray with php

the problem is you only unset a variable which has a copy of the value, you need to unset the corresponding element in the array. public function negativeKeywordsFilter($products, $negative_keywords){ $nk=explode(‘,’,$negative_keywords); foreach ($products[‘productItems’] as $key1 => $product){ foreach ($product as $key2 => $item){ foreach ($nk as $word){ if (stripos($item[‘name’],$word) !== false){ unset($products[‘productItems’][$key1][$key2]); } } } } … Read more

[Solved] C++ How can i build byte arrays?

In C and C++, regular character strings are terminated by a ‘\0’ character. So it appears you are using a string function to copy the data. That is, it stops copying once it hits the ‘\0’ value. Interestingly, you left the part that copies the data (and maybe just the part the displays the data) … Read more

[Solved] Transpose a 1D byte-wise array to a 2D array

sample #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(void){ unsigned char a[64*128]; int i,r,c; for(i=0;i<64*128;i++){ a[i]=i; } //not fill unsigned char (*b)[64][128] = (unsigned char (*)[64][128])a; for(r=0;r<64;++r){ for(c=0;c<128;++c){ printf(“%i,”, (*b)[r][c]); } printf(“\n”); } //FILL unsigned char b2[64][128]; memcpy(b2, a, sizeof(b2)); printf(“\nFill ver\n”); for(r=0;r<2;++r){ for(c=0;c<16;++c){ printf(“%i,”, b2[r][c]); } printf(“\n”); } return 0; } solved Transpose a 1D byte-wise … Read more

[Solved] How to interleavedly duplicate an array in php?

Looks like a reasonably simple reduction (using array_reduce()) $x = array_reduce($x, function($arr, $val) { array_push($arr, $val, $val); return $arr; }, []); Demo ~ https://3v4l.org/eNH8a Just realised that “reduction” sounds a bit funny since we’re making the array bigger. Think of it more as a transformation. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduce_(parallel_pattern) 2 solved How to interleavedly duplicate an array … Read more