[Solved] How to get values from JSON Array which doesn’t follow “key” : “value” standard / JSON with no Key?

It’s pretty much the compressed format of JSONArray, I’ve seen it few times, some systems use it to lower the amount of data that gets transferred. You can try something like this (edit how you need it, as this is only a basic concept): // Let us assume your JSON is loaded in jsonString variable … Read more

[Solved] c# put a byte[] into an database and retrive later [closed]

Use BINARY or VARBINARY to store binary data. string query = “INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable(Content) VALUES(@Content)”; using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(/*yout connection string here*/)) using(SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { connection.Open(); SqlParameter param = command.Parameters.Add(“@Content”, SqlDbType.VarBinary); param.Value = YourByteArrayVariableHere; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } You could retrieve it by using a SqlDataReader to get data and than cast … Read more

[Solved] Javascript associative array return TypeError

You can do something close in javascript – this function is possibly not the prettiest way to do it, but it’s generic the first argument is the “root” object, this is followed at least 1 “nodes”, and the last argument is the value function assoc(root) { var parts = arguments.slice(1); var value = parts.pop(); parts.reduce(function(result, … Read more

[Solved] How to load data into array?

Here are some hints: Code the class that is going to represent an inventory item. It needs field, getters (and maybe setters) and a constructor The declaration of the array will look like this: private NameOfYourClass[] inventoryItems The initialization can look like this = new NameOfYourClass[] { new NameOfYourClass(/* constructor arg list */), new NameOfYourClass(/* … Read more

[Solved] Parse comma separated string, split array into chunks, then transpose

So long as the number of rows is known, it only takes: a regex to split the string on comma-spaces which immediately follow a one-or-more digits or a word starting with an uppercase letter, a call of array_chunk() and array_map() (with a null callback and data spreading) to “transpose” the data. Code: (Demo) $string = … Read more

[Solved] Why is this out of index?

Not sure what this is: var mainController = ViewController() var movie = ViewController().self.movieArray[0] Regardless, ViewController() instantiates a new object of that class. At that point, it’s very likely movieArray has never been initialized and has no objects in it. 5 solved Why is this out of index?

[Solved] Create a new array which have non matching values of two arrays without using any native function of PHP [closed]

Without using array function. function uniqueArray($array1,$array2) { $result = array(); foreach($array1 as $val1) { //Array1 – Array2 $flag = 0; foreach($array2 as $val2) { if($val1 == $val2){ $flag = 1; break; } } if($flag == 0) { $result[] = $val1; } } foreach($array2 as $val1) { //Array2 – Array1 $flag = 0; foreach($array1 as $val2) … Read more

[Solved] How to pass array to method [closed]

make it into an ‘out’ parameter and all should be well: private void x() { string sTestFile = “this is a test”; string[] TestFileWords; FixConcatString(sTestFile, out TestFileWords); } private void FixConcatString(string splayfile, **out** string[] sWordArray) { char[] charSeparators = new char[] { ‘-‘ }; splayfile = splayfile.ToLower(); splayfile = splayfile.Replace(@”\”, ” “); sWordArray = splayfile.Split(charSeparators, … Read more

[Solved] How to make a 2d array in JAVA?

If you could please point me towards some reading material that can teach me how to add, remove, get and iterate over the elements of the method suggested by you. Arrays don’t support those operations. To add and remove elements you really need to use a List such as ArrayList. List<List<Integer>> list2d = new ArrayList<>(); … Read more

[Solved] C++ How to remove 0 values from array without using vector

I still prefer using std::vector although this question mentions “without using vector”. But let’s just try doing so with array anyway. int int_array[20] = {/*…*/}; int* last_ptr = std::remove(std::begin(int_array), std::end(int_array), 0); for (int* it = int_array ; it != last_ptr ; ++it) cout << *it << endl; As convention, the resulting last_ptr points to the … Read more