[Solved] Sharing info between ViewControllers [duplicate]

U can use segues for transferring data between viewcontrollers. check this link for more details First of all, u need to declare your dateTimeString as a property in your .h file (ViewController.h) Then you can call the segue using [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@”your_segue_identifier_name” sender:self]; Then – (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender { if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@”your_segue_identifier_name”]) { } } … Read more

[Solved] Why is this out of index?

Not sure what this is: var mainController = ViewController() var movie = ViewController().self.movieArray[0] Regardless, ViewController() instantiates a new object of that class. At that point, it’s very likely movieArray has never been initialized and has no objects in it. 5 solved Why is this out of index?

[Solved] Parse iOS SDK: UIButton segue inside of PFTableViewCell [closed]

You can add a tag to each button that corresponds to its row, ex: button.tag = indexPath.row; Then give that button an action linked to a method which takes the button as a parameter, ex: [button addTarget:self action:@selector(goToCommentView:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; So that when a button is selected, and the method is called, you can get the … Read more

[Solved] can i use to pass a data with ‘navigation controller back button’ in xcode

“koediseps” i have written a demo for passing data for you, download it and check it. if you found any problem , ask me. here is the link for data passing with delegate demo some other useful link simple-delegate-tutorial-for-ios-development passing-data-using-delegates-between-viewcontrollers 0 solved can i use to pass a data with ‘navigation controller back button’ in … Read more