[Solved] Get number from an url in PHP

With regexp: $str=”http:example.com/country/France/45″; preg_match(‘/http:example\.com\/country\/(?P<name>\w+)\/(?P<id>\d+)/’, $str, $matches); print_r($matches); // return array(“name”=>”France”, “id” => 45); 0 solved Get number from an url in PHP

[Solved] Integer cannot be cast to java.util.HashMap

this is previous code on my custom adapter: @Override public Object getItem(int position) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return (position); } and this is solved code in my custom adapter: @Override public Object getItem(int position) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return data.get(position); } in which datais defined as ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> data; solved Integer … Read more

[Solved] How can I change one function value in a boolean-valued java Function?

Maybe what you actually want is to use a Predicate? Predicate<Integer> crazyFunction = x -> false; for (Integer thisInteger : listOfIntegers) { crazyFunction = crazyFunction.or(Predicate.isEqual(thisInteger)); } // Is a given integer one of our integers? boolean isGoodInteger = crazyFunction.apply(42); 2 solved How can I change one function value in a boolean-valued java Function?